Chapter 2

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Today's the day. September 1st. I'm finally going into this shithole some like to call high school. Oh god. What the hell do I wear? 

I decide on some acid wash jeans rolled up a bit at the bottom, a white loose t-shirt, and a big, loose black cardigan with some white converse. 

Like a normal teenage girl, I check myself out in the mirror. Not bad... at all actually. I put my hair in a messy pony-tail that takes way too much effort to actually be called a messy pony, 

I just moved in to my apartment, along with my dad and sister like 2 days ago. The reason we moved, is because my parents had a pretty nasty divorce. This happened then that, and here I am. In New York City. The Nyc. 

We moved to The upper east side, into a nice 3 bedroom. This way me and Sam, my sister, don't have to go about sharing a room. Sick.

I don't really want to have some nice thoughtful chat with my dad, so I attempt to just grab a Luna bar and head out-

"Liz! It's your first day of High school!"

"oh really? thanks dad I thought it was my first day of nursery. thank you really."

I'm a bit sarcastic.

"oh Liz, don't be such a downer. Have a great day sweetie okay?"

"okay. I'm gonna be late so... see you later."

"So fast? it's only 7:45,"

"Yea... I wanna go to Starbucks. See you"

I grab my backpack and rush out the door. Oh my god I can't be doing this. I'm really going to my first day at a new school in New York City... god. 

I thank the doorman for opening the door for me and I step out on to the cold sidewalk. I wasn't expecting it to be this chilly...

The 4 block walk is pretty intense. I see groups of girls and guys walking past me, some of the girls turning back to look at me, probably whispering. They all know each other, so I guess, contrary to Gale's words, there will be some sort of upper hand. 

When I finally reach the big red bricked building, I see loads of kids squeezing through the entrance as if it's a vacuum. After I realise I must have been just standing there for like 5 minutes, My cheeks redden and I attempt to push my way inside.

I cannot stress the word attempt enough. I'm an absolute failure and fall. One person stops to help me up...

"Hey be careful, it gets pretty hectic in the mornings" says a boy with floppy brown hair as he chuckles and helps me up. 

"yea... thanks..." I say completely flustered. He's... really... cute...

"well, that's New York City public schools for you." He says and pushes his way through into the building.

Wow. did that really just happen? I'm so fucking embarrassed I could just throw myself off the top of these stairs and that would be better. Of course the really hot guy had to see me fall and pity me enough to help me up. 

I Finally get inside and just watch as everyone is hugging each other and huddled together. I spy the guy who helped me up... he's surrounded by a group of girls and a few guys, no surprise. He's gorgeous. 

My thoughts are interrupted by a loud sound coming from a loudspeaker," All freshman report to the theater for your orientation"

I have absolutely no idea where that is, so I just follow everyone else who for some reason or another knows where the damn theater is. 

I walk in and i'm pretty surprised at how big it is, it looks like a real theater not just somewhere for school plays and assemblies. 

"Everyone please take a seat." Says a middle aged woman with dyed blonde hair standing at a podium at the front of the room.

Of course, everyone is sitting with all their friends that they for some reason know... and i'm a nomad. a wonderer. No place to sit. I decide on sitting in the back in a row with two other girls. One of them, the one I am directly sitting with is actually kinda pretty.

"Hi! I'm Ray. My names really Rachel but everyone just calls me Ray." She says with a smile. She has wavy light brown hair like me, only mine is up. She's pale with green-ish grey eyes. What's a girl like her sitting back here with a girl like me?

"Uhm, Hi. I'm Liz." I say with just about as much energy as a tomato. 

"Well hey Liz," She says with a smile.

"What school are you coming from?"

"I actually just moved here from Florida, I literally got here like yesterday" I say, this time with a little more energy than a tomato.

"really? That's so cool. I'm just coming from New Jersey, we moved here like a month ago. You're so lucky you lived in Florida though, it's always nice there." Ray says still, with her smile.

Our small talk is interrupted by the same Blonde haired woman at the podium. 

"settle down everyone, stop talking"

Ray turns back around towards the woman at the podium. 

"We really are in for a great four years together" says the woman.

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