Part 1

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A week later, the first night of your new employment finally arrived. Properly dressed in your new uniform, you hurried to reach the back of the restaurant where the service door was, taking some minutes to rustle with the keys until you finally found the right one; the set they provided you was nothing less heavy, making you wonder how many rooms of which you weren't aware there actually were. Once inside, you carefully locked the door behind you and set off for the surveillance room, walking down the dark hall. Your footsteps echoed among the deserted surroundings, eliciting in you a tiny bit of uneasiness; you had never seen this place so quiet and empty, with not a single person around. You were so used to the noisy diurnal atmosphere that all this silence almost appeared surreal. Oh well, you guessed you would have soon grown accustomed to it.

Once reached the designated office, you blindly touched the wall to search for the light switch since it was so dark, eventually managing to find it. The room was... small. Very small. A black desk occupied almost all the available space, leaving room only for an office chair on wheels. On the desk's dusty surface there was a telephone, a running fan and piles of old screens messily arranged one on top of the other, making you wonder for which reason they were actually there since you had a much modern laptop provided to watch the cameras. To increase the mess, someone had left an empty paper cup and crumpled sheets all around the place; geez, when was the last time this place had been cleaned? Whichever wall your eyes turned to, you could see partially yellowed posters and childish drawings portraying kids having fun along with the pizzeria's mascots.

Not really the place where someone would dream of spending in, to say at least. But who cared- in the end, we were talking only about six hours per night. It's not like you had to spend your entire life in there.

Adjusting the security guard cap on your head, you took seat into the cramped room and placed the laptop on your lap, switching it on. You glanced at the clock on the screen: it was 11:55 pm.


The first two hours went smoothly. Nothing out of order had happened until now- not a soul could be seen around; the Pirate Cove was silent as well; the animatronics were in place on the show stage. Well, not that you expected something in particular to happen. You boringly tapped on the virtual drawing of the map, shifting from a view to another without paying particular attention. The clock said 02:15 AM; three hours and 45 minutes more to go. You leaned back on the chair, letting out a sigh as you momently rose your eyes from the tablet; watching at the camera's grayish views was starting to give you headache. You weren't expecting night watch to be exciting, but neither so boring, still. Would you really have been able to stay awake until 06:00 am?

Not even 20 minutes later, your thighs pressed together as you started to feel the need to go to the toilet. Great. If you remembered right, the restrooms were located in the East side of the building, directly attached to the main Dining Area. 

Leaning sideways from your chair, you peeked out from the office's door, giving a glance to the East Hall. Everything quiet, obviously. Useless to say that the thought of crossing alone those dark, party-furnished rooms made you a little anxious. Moreover, other guards had specifically advised you to absolutely not leave the office for any reason until the clock would have marked not a minute less than 06:00 o'clock. They hadn't however specified why, particular that had made you a little skeptical. You knew that the boss was fussy about employees respecting the work schedules, but wasn't he exaggerating a bit? What could he expect, that you pissed yourself? 

You frowned, nervously tapping a nail on the plastic-coated side of the laptop until you finally decided to stand up, momently placing it on the desk in front of you. Thinking it would have taken no more than five minutes, you crossed the prohibited threshold and headed briskly toward the toilets, wanting to get back as soon as possible.

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