I. Karlee

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One step at the time I am closer from my new school. Abraxas University. I always dreamed, since my childhood, to go study there even if that means moving far away my parents and my brother. Imagine how happy I was when I learned I got a scholarship from all the hard work I've done. Obviously that didn't mean we didn't shed a tears or two when I left. Studies above all!

I was in front the dormitory on the campus of the University. People would bump into each other to be the first one to their room. There's a big line-up in front the elevators and after a long trip I don't have any patience left so I decide to take the stairs. At least I don't have many suitcases. The door 335 is in front of me, behind that door it's my new room for the next couple of years, I take key card out of my pocket and open the door. In my room there's a raised platform leading to a bed and there's an other bed right under it. Probably my roommate's bed because the top bed is officially mine! We each have a little desk and and a drawer. I inspect the bathroom, it's very small, I'll have to get use to all of this.


I tap my fingers against the desk. First course of the semester and the teacher is already late. I let out a big sigh and try to keep all the mean things I thought to myself. A girl sat down next to me. She has long brown hair. Her glasses gives her a rustic side with her blue eyes. Even if she looks tired you could see she's friendly.

-Hey! I say. She turns to look at me with big eyes as if she's surprise I'm talking to her.

-Oh! Hi. She says while smiling.

-Do you know why the teacher is still not here?

-Don't worry he's always late. 

I don't found this very professional of him.

-I'm Karlee by the way. I tell her to change the subject.

-I'm Dahlya. She says while smiling. 

-So what course are you taking?

-I'm taking psychology and you?

-I would really love to become a veterinarian. I always loved animals with their little cute eyes and their furry paws. Dahlya is laughing at my enthusiasm.

-What?! I can love animals if I want right? I said while laughing with her. The teacher arrives and we could finally begin the class.


I hurry to pack my things because Boris is screaming for food. Just if you want to know Boris is my stomach. Yes I gave a name to my stomach don't judge me!

-Do you want to come and eat with us?


-My cousin and I. We have to meet her at the gym. You can come if you want? I was hoping she would be this friendly. The more the merrier, right?

-Sure! Lead the way.


I heard Boris growling again. Calm down! You'll have your sandwich soon enough. We just have to make a quick  stop at the gym first. 

We're waiting beside the girl's locker room door. The smell is awful! Not because of the sweat but because of the hundreds different perfumes. 

A blond girl with blue eyes and a grey sport bag is approaching us.


-Hey Eryn! I want you to meet Karlee! Karlee this is my cousin Eryn.

-Hi. I say then smile.

-An other girl in the group would be nice.

-The boys aren't always easy. Add Dahlya.

The girls and I have to go put our things in our locker and we agreed to meet at the cafeteria all four of us. And yes, Boris is the fourth person I'm talking about.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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