Crush story

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Pick any dress you want for you masquerade ball. Hope you enjoy it.

  You were at school and everywhere you looked over at some people who were crowded around something on the wall. You saw your friend, (f/n) and walked over to her. "(F/n), what's going on?" You asked. (F/n) looks at me smiling. "(Y/n), haven't you heard? They're having a masquerade
ball at this big place the school rented for the occasion. It's this week on Saturday." (F/n) said with a big smile on her face. "No way. Hey, are you going with anyone?” You asked (f/n). She shrugs her shoulders and says, “I don't know and hey, maybe (C/n) will ask you. Nice haircut, it suits you." She said raising her eyebrows. "Shut up and Thanks."
   You said with blush on your cheeks. You were walking to your 5th period which is Spanish when you ran into someone. "I'm so sorry. I was watching where I was..." You stopped abruptly when you saw who it was. It was (C/n). "It's okay." (C/n) said smiling down at you. You blushed and looked down. Then you went back to class. As time flew by in 7th period after that the bell rang. You walked out to the bus stop and leaned against the wall and you felt someone looking at you. You turned to look and it was (C/n). (C/n) smiled at you and you blushed. Then you heard (C/n) and his friends talking about the masquerade ball. Anyways being the noisy person you were, you listened to their conversation.
  "Hey, (C/n). Do you have a date to the masquerade ball?" (C/f/n) asked. (C/n) sighed shaking his head no. "Everyone I've asked is taken." (C/n) said sadly. "Hey, (y/n)." (C/f/n) said looking straight at you. "Yeah, (C/f/n)?" You asked. "Are you going to the masquerade ball?" (C/f/n) asked. You
looked over at (C/n), knowing he was waiting for your answer. "I don't know I don't even have a dress or mask for that matter." You said. "Oh, okay."
   (C/f/n) said. You saw your bus and said, “Bye, (c/n).” He smiled at you and said, “Bye, (y/n).” You walked to your bus and thought of the masquerade ball. You really wanted to go but you didn't have a dress. Then you got an idea. You got out your phone and texted your other friend, (F/n/2). "Hey, (F/n/2). I need some help." You said typing on your phone. You sent the text and waited. You heard a bing from your phone. "What is it? Does this have to do with the masquerade ball this coming Saturday?" (F/n/2) said. "Yes, I need help finding a dress."
  You said, bing. "I'm on my way. Hold on, my mom will come and pick you up." You waited for (F/n/2) and her mom to come pick you up. A car drove by and stopped right in front of you. "Come on (y/n), get in." (F/n/2) said. You hopped on in the car and bucked up. We then stopped at a huge dress shop with tons of dresses. "Wow, there's so many choices." You said in awe over all of the dresses. "Hey, (y/n). Come here I think I found the perfect dress." (F/n/2) said excitedly. "Where at?" You ask happily.
    "Follow me." (F/n/2) says grabbing your hand and pulls you towards the masquerade ball gowns and masks. (Just pick any masquerade gown you want) "I also found the perfect mask for it." (F/n/2) said showing you the mask. You were astonished by the beauty of the mask and masquerade ball gown. "Wow, (F/n/2). There beautiful. I think I will have these." You say grabbing your size from the dress rack and the mask. You, (F/n/2) and her mom walked out of dress store with the dress and mask. "Thank you so much, (F/n/2). I don't know I would've done without you." You say smiling at her. "It's no problem. Anything for my friend."
   (F/n/2) says. (F/n/2)'s mom drives me back to your house. "Thanks for everything, (F/n/2)." You say getting your shopping bag from the back. "No problem. I will see you tomorrow when I come to pick you up for the masquerade ball. I'm coming around at 5 pm. So we can get ready together." (F/n/2) says.
*Time skip*
    (F/n/2) drove us to the place where they were having the masquerade ball and the place was decorated just like a castle. (F/n/2) parked in a parking spot and stop the car. "(F/n/2), I'm so nervous. Do you think anybody will recognize me?" You ask putting the mask over your head making sure it went over your eyes. "Of course not. Just relax and enjoy it." (F/n/2) says putting her purple mask over her eyes. We walked up the stairs and into the decorated castle. It was so beautiful. There were streamers everywhere. As you looked around you saw your friend (f/n) with (y/f/C/n). Well, looks like (y/f/C/n) asked (f/n), that's a surprise. You looked around some more and saw (c/n). He was in a black tuxedo with a blue tie. And a black mask.
   Gosh, he looked hot. You came to the top of the stairs and the music stopped. Everyone was looking straight at you, wondering who it was under that mask. You walked down the stairs with (f/n/2) and you saw (C/n) looking straight at you. You blushed at it. You reached the bottom of the stairs and (C/n) and his friends walked straight towards you. You heart literally started beating a thousand miles a minute. (C/n)
stopped right in front of you and looked at you. "Hello. You look like I've seen you from somewhere. Have we met?" He asked smiling at you. You blushed and looked at (C/n) and nodded. "Yes, we have." You said smiling. "Would you like to dance with me, even though I'm not that good at dancing?"
   He asked. You shook your head yes and he took your hand gently. And the song that was playing was 'So close from enchanted movie.' As you swayed in (C/n)'s arms, you felt like you could stay in them forever, but then the song ended and everyone started clapping. "I'm going to get a
drink." You say to (C/n). "Okay, I will come with you." He said taking your hand, making you tingle with excitement. We walked to the punch table and grabbed some fruit punch. I then saw my friend (f/n) pass by you. "Excuse me, (c/n). I need to go see a friend." I say politely. I walk
over to (f/n), who is talking with (f/C/n). I sit beside (f/n). "What's up (f/n)?"
     I ask. (F/n)'s eyes widen in surprise to see would it was. "(Y/n)! Oh my gosh, you really came." (F/n) says
loudly hugging me tightly. "Ssh, don't say it out loud. I don't want (C/n) to know it's me." You say looking over at (c/n) who was looking at you while talking to his friends. "(C/n)’s looking at you." (F/n) says raising her eyebrows at me. "Oh, shut up." You say blushing and pushing her lightly.
(F/n) laughed a little. "Okay, I'm going back over to (c/n). Have fun with (f/C/n)." I say to her.
    "I will." (F/n) says. You walk back over to (C/n) and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around and smiles at you. "Hey. Do you want to go out to the gazebo?" He ask you. You shook your head yes and (c/n) took your hand, making you blush. He lead you to the gazebo outside. You looked at all of the beautiful lanterns stringed over and some string lights in some of the holes of the gazebo. "It's beautiful out here." You say looking at it in awe. "Yeah, but not as beautiful as you." (C/n) said taking his hands in yours. You felt butterflies in your stomach as he hands held his hands. "Okay, can I ask you something?"
    (C/n) ask sitting on a bench in the gazebo. "Sure. What is it?" You ask sitting beside (c/n). He seemed pretty nervous about what he was going to say. (C/n) sighed and looked over at you. "Well, I was wondering if you could take off your mask and so I can see what your face looks like?" He said. Your heart dropped. You didn't know what to do. If you took your mask off, then (c/n) would know that it was you. But you knew you didn't want to disappoint (c/n), so you took your hands out of his and lifted your hands up to your mask. "You ready?" You asked nervously. (C/n) shook your head yes. You sighed and took off your mask and put it on your lap.
     (C/n) gasped and stood up. "I knew it, I knew I remember that voice from somewhere." He said smiling. "(C/n)." You say looking at him. He looked at you and sat back down beside you. "Listen, (y/n). Well I know this is going to be a bit of a shock to you, but here it comes." He said nervously. "Here comes wh..." You ask but are stopped by feeling his lips on yours. You were shocked for a few moments then you kissed him back. His lips were really soft. You put your hands in his hair and one of his hands was on your cheek and the other hand on your waist. We finally pulled away from each other and looked at each other. "(Y/n), I've liked and even loved you since I first saw you. I didn't know how to express my feelings so I decided to tell you face to face." He said.
    "(C/n), I like you and even love you too." You say to him.

Sorry guys that I haven't posted on wattpad in like a year. I've been really busy and haven't had any ideas. But now I'm back. I hope you enjoyed the story.

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