Cace 409: Jessica Jetson

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WARNING! Not a real story but, some locations in this story are real.
Next warning! There is grafic violence and some languages in this story.

Please enjoy my first etempet at a horror and suspence work :D

Jessica Jetson was a junior at R.A.Long High School. The year was 2018. Jessica was not a perfect girl but she was one of the prettier girls, with her red soft curls and aqua eyes. Under those eyes, small freckles filled her pale cheeks. Jessica was a B average student, loved by her peers and teachers alike. Team captain for a women's basketball team since freshman year and already she had received an offer for a full-ride scholarship to Washington State University as well as other lesser known colleges in the area. As perfect as her life was at school, her home life wasn't perfect at all; with four step-siblings and two blood siblings her life was hectic at home. Not a lot of alone time in the three bed, one bath house with six kids a step dad and her mother. As hellish as her siblings were, her parents loved all of them and were vary proud of Jessica, who was the oldest of the six and the only one in high school so far. School was just about to start up again from winter break and Jessica was leaving her friend Kyra's house from a New Year's slumber party. It was about five-thirty in the afternoon when Jessica started her 30 block journey home on foot. Kyra had offered to take her home but Jessica's New Year's resolution was of course to lose some weight so, he turned Kyra down and took off. On her way she stopped ten blocks from her street to pet her favorite local ally cat Wisk. He was called Wisk for the way his whiskers curved in like an electric mixer. Wisk purred as she stroked him from hishead to the tip of his tail. The cat meowed as it looked up at her lovingly, but caught sight of something behind her and shot away like a bullet. Jessica stood and turned around but nothing was there. As she continued to walk she heard a can rattle behind her. She turned quickly to try and catch what was making the noise. As she turned she saw a shadow fly behind the brick wall of a nearby garage. Now Jessica began to panic slightly. She faced forward once again, this time with faster steps per second. She was only nine blocks away from home when she turned into the ally and began to hear footsteps, and those footsteps, were not her own. Her fast pas walk turned into a shuffled jog, then a full on run, the footsteps followed the pase. Jessica began to regret taking the ally integ of staying on the road. She dare not look bake for the fear of who or what was following her. In the blink of an eye she felt a snap in her left ankle. She fell to the ground as a bloodcurdling scream escaped her mouth in a short burst before her mouth was covered by a damp white rag. She began to feel sleepy at the tall man stood over her with a polite grin filling his face. Jessica's sight faded and she was out.

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Jessica's pov.
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As I came to, I start to panic as I slowly sink my vision into the details of the room I lay in. I try to move my arms but I am strapped into what looks like an operations table, The the second thing i noticed was the door in front of me and the stage head mounted atop it on the wall. It was a small bright room the details I can't explain just quit well. It was the perfect setup for an old hospital room. To my right where was a counter about four feet from the my table. There were some jars or something up there, my contacts had fallen out when he kicked the back of my ankle. Speaking of witch I can't feel my foot. When I turned my head to the left I froze. Spread out on a wheeled metal table were at least ten terrifying instruments, the kind you would see on a horror film! I started to cry as the panic attack set in. I could feel my heart beating my ribcage open trying to burst out of my chest. Every cell in my body jumped at I feel the blood in my veins rushing in and out of my bursting heart. I take a deep breath in and let out a deep exhale I usually continue this until my atak is gone but nothing is helping I let out a shrill scream, and then another. Suddenly the doorknob started to turn and my heart stopped, the door slowly opened revealing the tall man in a white over coat. He had a five o'clock shadow and a mole on his right cheek smack dab in the middle of the apple.

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