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"I'm not able to say a simple 'Please come back, don't leave me',
Because you were so beautiful when you fluttered your wings as you left me."

"It's not your fault that you flattered in the wind,
It was me who couldn't hold onto you so don't be sorry."

"I was nobody but you came to me and shared your warmth with me,
The warmth is all gone but I'm still thankful to you."

"Don't worry about me, I'm just back where I used to be, my world was dark before you came to me."

"I keep telling myself that really I'm alright and keep my heart from falling apart that I am weak because I can't get rid of anything."

"I hope that it doesn't take too long, so that I can see you no matter how far away you may be, that's the only thing I need, you can fly away beautifully, my butterfly."

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