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from 15 year old Chanyeol's pov

I'm on the bus first today, I wonder why Baek is so late. I'm usually greeted by his puppy face when I get on the bus. Just before the bus is going to leave he runs on and plops down next to me.

He's crying. Why is he crying? I can't stand it when he's sad.

"Baek, come here tell me what's wrong, please don't cry." I wrap my arms around his small body.

After a few minutes of sniffling, when he calms down he looks up at me and says "Oscar, he died, Yeol, he's dead." tears begin tumbling over. I hug him tighter.

"Baekhyun I'm so sorry, I'm here okay? Talk to me about it if you need to. We can go look at new puppies too if you want." He just cries harder. IM SO STUPID. A NEW DOG?? WTF CHANYEOL. "Baek I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I'm really sorry."

We stay there for a while and I run my fingers through his soft hair until he stops crying. He falls asleep, he's probably exhausted from crying so much.

As he's sleeping in my arms I think about how I never want to see him cry again. It really hurts me when he cries. It's because he's my best friend right? I look at him now and he looks so beautiful. His cheeks look so squishy, but they're stained with old tears. I just want to kiss them away.

Kiss???? What??? Kiss? Did you really just think that Park Chanyeol? The feeling is back now, my heart is thumping and my face is hot. It's really a bad time to be getting a cold.

We stay on the bus, at the back, with its quiet bumps as it goes over the road until it takes us back home. Baekhyun is more important than school.

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