Chapter 1:

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     When Raymond had finally came to our apartment for dinner, the daylight had already started to fade. That meant he'd have to stay with us overnight. If he didn't, he'd be eaten up be beasties, monsters, and otherwise.
      It was an awkward dinner. Nobody really talked to each other that particular night. And if they did, it would be to crack down on someone for doing something they found annoying. When I say talked, I mean nobody had a legitamate conversation with each other. There was a lot of yelling though. I felt bad for Raymond, having to being in the middle of it. In our house, we usually never yell at each other, but between the death of Raymond's father and my mom losing her job, our family isn't really the same.

     Raymond's family has been close to ours ever since our both of our fathers were great friends. Raymond and I are good friends, too. Which is very fortunate, because he's been staying with us for a bit, because his mom has been working overtime to get over the loss of money with the death of her husband.

     After we finished dinner, Raymond and I went into our newly built entertainment room. It didn't come with the apartment, so my dad had to build another room outside the actual building. Nobody thought it could be done, but I knew my Pa could get it done. I helped him build it, too!
     Raymond and I watched movies until we both fell asleep. We talked all night about we might be able to go to school on the next level. We were on the 112th level, so we're pretty far down in the earth. Not the bottom, but close enough.
      When it comes to our city, only the rich and famous live on the upper most levels. The first level is closest to above ground, only about half a mile under. Every level is spaced out by at least 500 feet of earth. So, being 112 levels down, it's pretty hot down here. You get used to it though.
       The stupid thing is, though, is that they have you take an aptitude test every single year. It gives us a chance to move to upper levels, but they only take kids. Not parents. Raymond and I usually get the chance to go at most to level 75, but we never do. We don't want to leave our parents behind. They keep telling us that school is a vital part of all knowledge. And if you know, you will prosper. But this year, is different. Raymond and I are going in to our 7th year. That's when they teach you the really special stuff. Things like politics and law and physics and stuff. We usually have just been taught reading, writing, speaking, comprehension. Communication things, really. And because it's our seventh year, we really don't have a choice to stay behind. Every child must go through at least 4 years of the highest education they can understand. Our society may be rigged, but it does care about all its citizens.
     Tomorrow Raymond and I will take our aptitude tests. I really hope we get into the same level. Raymond is a smart kid. He's always been into the techy stuff, just the thing our city leaders like seeing in kids. Which really worries me. I don't make friends very well, and Raymond is the only friend I have. If he gets into I higher level, I won't get to see him for a while. I'd have to be alone with no friends or family at a new level of the city. I wish I could say that I'm not nervous, but then I'd be lying. And my Ma told me that lying is bad. Even though policies against it aren't in the Law. Which I found a little weird. If the Law was supposed to tell what is bad and what is right, then why isn't there something about lying in there? My Ma told me it's just how things went and turned out. And I trust my Ma.

     The next morning I woke up and Raymond was drooling all over my lap. I carefully got up and changed into some-dryer-clothes, and headed into the kitchen for breakfast. The thought of the test was still stirring in my head, but I forced it out.

     To my surprise, breakfast had already been made. Ma and Pa got up extra early to make us a good-luck breakfast.
     "Mom, you didn't have to do this. I'm 16 now. I can make my own breakfast." I said, very groggily.
     "Oh, I know honey," mom started, with her best mommy voice she could come up with. "But I couldn't resist! My baby is going to be a student in an upper level! Eeeheeheehee! I'm so proud of you!" She started to pinch my cheeks, but I got annoyed. "I'm sorry sweetie. Did I pinch you too hard?"
     "No, mom. It's just that I'm too old for that now." I replied, taking a seat at the table.
     "Well, your mother and I are very proud of you Emily." Pa said, sipping at his coffee.
     "Proud about what? I didn't do anything." I said, shoving my breakfast in my mouth. "Oh wow, this is good. Oh yeah. You guys should do this more often." I said, pointing at them with my fork.
     "Emily! Manners! You just pointed and talked with food in your mouth!" Mom scolded me, folding her arms.
     "So much to be proud about." I mumbled, obviously not soft enough.
     "What was that?" Mom asked sternly.
     "Nothing!" I quickly replied, shoving food into my mouth.
      She walked away, towards the entertainment room. Probably to fetch Raymond for breakfast.
     A few minutes later, Ray walked into the room, rubbing his head.
     "Morning sleepyhead." I said, giving him a half-angry look.
     "Yeah. Morning." He replied, sitting down across from me.
     "You know, you drooled all over me last night." I said, folding my arms.
      "What? I did?" He asked, puzzled.
      "Yeah. You did. It got all over my pants. It was really bad."
      "Oh." Ray started, rubbing his head. "I'm so sorry."
      "It's okay. I might've put a bit in your hair." I said, trying not to smile.
      "You did WHAT?!" Ray said, frantically searching his head for dried drool.
      "Of course I didn't, you big idiot. Now hurry up." I said, walking by him, ruffling his messed up hair. "As soon as you're done eating, we have to go."
      We both laughed a little, and I headed straight into my room to get ready for the biggest test of my life. Ray was my only friend. I can't let him leave to be with his nerdy dudes because of some stupid test.

      When we were both ready, we waved goodbye, as we knew we provably weren't going to see them for some time, and headed outside to catch the train to our level's school. It was time for the deciding moment of our lives. Riding a train for the first time! Not what you were expecting, was it. But yeah, we've never been on a train before. It was really fun. We both laughed nonstop for the first five minutes. Then we neared the school. The testing location. Then, we finally made it. This is where I had to be on my own for now. You were never able to be with someone else while taking the test. Part of the Law.
     "I'm going to miss you, Emily. And good luck." Ray said, as we were about to get off.
     "Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it!" I smiled, and together we exited the train.

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