Chapter 1

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***Hi, this is a yeah. Thanks for reading. Please comment!***

The trees seem to bend around me, moving out of the way as I race through the forest. I stop beside a small maple tree, the light spring breeze ruffles my shaggy white fur, as small shiver coursed through my body, my hackles raised on their own accord, I'm not alone...I howl the warning and pushing away the wolf within me I shift back to my human form. Saying I made it in the nick of time, is an understatement. I'm literally just standing on my two legs, when the bullet buries itself in my calf. Blood was poured down my leg making a frightening puddle around my tan feet.

"Thankfully I just shifted into a human, or my stomach would have been where my leg was...." I think, trying to staunch the flow of blood. Even without my hands slippery covered in my own silvery blood of a werewulf, I had never been too good with the whole medical thing. The pack has a healer, Karen; a blond beautiful girl with gentle and careful hands.

"Arte hyte beride!" A soft voice says as it reveals itself from behind a nearby oak. His bottom half was that of a snake, and his top was a man. He wore no clothing, (don't worry wasn't, anything unseemly...) and his features were full of worry and disgust as he took in my wounds. "Jikha narum ilkdah, urtim?!" He spoke with such urgency and concern, even in his alien tounge I felt compelled to stagger towards him, anyways he might help me. He smiled and beckoned me closer. He held out his arms and fell into them weakly, "HOKL!" He screamed angrily at something behind me and something entered my arm. The man/snake let go of me smiling maliciously. Looking down I pull a traquilizer dart from my forearm, the ground swooped towards me unnaturally and I hit it with defining thump! 

I don't remember waking up, only that I was in a hot metal room with no windows or doors, oh yeah, and I was chained crusification style to the wall! Hours pass, and my throat begs for water. My calf still burns and there's a large lump on my arm, where the tranquilizer dart entered my skin. I bang my head on the sweltering wall, and I begin to sob. 

 If you haven't picked it up yet, I am indeed a werewulf. No, not a werewolf, (when they transform it's usually into, well Professor Lupin from Harry Potter.) 

Unless you're a lonewulf then you have a pack. A usual werewulf pack has about 4 members, (smaller then a regular wolf pack, cause we're humans and we kill some off, no I'm only kind of kidding,) In my pack I have Rye (she's the alpha,) Karen (The healer,) Cal (he's the best hunter/tracker) and then there's Dax and I, (we’re the best fighters) my name's Paige Tor. I am 17 years old, I am a werewulf, and I'm probably going to die.

   DAY 1

  DAY 2


The pain has gotten to the point where I don't care if I have to cut off my own limbs with a dull rock, I just wanted it to one day end. My fingers moved in a familiar pattern, weaving a multitude of iridescent string, creating a bubble around my face. My skin was quick to absorb the blanket of colour, and from experience I knew my eyes had become the colour of molten lava.

My vision became blurry and suddenly I was no longer in the sweltering metal room, no, now I’m watching Cal, Dax, Karen and Rye sitting in an air-conditioned room.

Werewulves have the ability to see their pack no matter where they are. It's called (drum roll, you'll like this it's really creative,) Seeing. You must be wondering why my pack hasn’t done that to find me, but they’re not allowed to, the keepers don’t let us use our magic…EVER! Usually our dreams are really boring, because we do this automatically in our sleep, so you get, like, an 3 hours of someone sleeping. Karen once woke up screaming, because she while she was sleeping Cal was with this girl…Things are really awkward between them now. 

"We can't wait and do nothing!" Karen yelled at Cal. Her face was flushed and her dark brown eyes had dark shadows beneath them, from lack of sleep, "I saw her last night, she was strapped to a wall, it looked like she had lost 20 pounds! The people who have her kidnapped are making sure she's weak!"

"Wait!" Rye said suddenly, her eyes looked like angry blue flames, "They're going to try and get her mad, so she'll shift and they can sell her pelt. She'll get out by herself."

 Karen gasped in horror, "No! Oh no!" She covered her mouth in disbelief, "We have to save her!"

"I agree with Rye. Sorry Karen, but Paige is strong and sneaky, she's like, a big girl she can get out of any jam life, like throws at her!" Cal says apologetically to Karen. 

"Thank you, Cal." Rye says, "Now Karen, where is Dax?" 

"He so pissed he can't shift back. He can't leave the forest without ripping your heads off." 

Rye growled, "Why?" 

"Well, you know. Dax and Paige were like this," Cal twisted his two fingers together and held them up to the two werewulves, "he's taking it pretty hard."

The image desolved as a strange man walked into my prison. In his pale hand was a bulky suitcase. Opening it he revealed rows upon rows of knives. An eerie smile appeared on his replusive face, spreading from ear to ear, as though he was imagining with pleasure, how and where he would cut and slice me.

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