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Across the Atlantic Ocean, in a flat in Northampton, England, a girl of fourteen with sharp lapis blue eyes stared at her TV screen in deep consentration and sensory overload. She couldn't think straight, and was lost in the moment like a normal girl would be lost in her boyfriend's eyes. Except this was a moment where potential boyfriends looked into theirs.
Sherlock said the fated 'I love you' as foretold by the trailer, and moved in hesitantly to John.

The next thing Mr. and Mrs. Silber heard was their daughter's shriek, worthy of shattering a window.

But they didn't worry about it, nor did they even react. For the Silbers, it was completely normal. Whenever a new episode of Maddie's favorite shows came out, they knew it was Lock Down Time, the period when Maddie would lock herself in her room with a week's worth of food and never come out.
Suddenly, there was a different outcome.
Another shriek, this one louder and made of more accumulated cries rumbled outside, shaking the window panes and rattling the dinnerware in the cupboards.
Maddie cautiously lifted her gaze from the end credits and peered through the unrestful glass, the natural sunlight hurting her eyes.
What she held before her in her sight was peculiar, but at the same moment wondrous.
A select few neighbors were coming out of their houses and joining in the street, forming a large group, and a random person or two letting out the occasional cry.
A familiar face stuck out in the swarm, with warm brown disheveled hair and matching eyes, framed by reader's glasses. The most contagious grin spread across his face, leaving anyone who looked at him feeling their spirits lifted for some unexplainable reason. Damion Tarshend beckoned Maddie down to the congregation before he was swept away by the oncoming storm of people.
The young woman turned her television off, then raced to the front door but not before getting into some decent clothing.
"Have fun sweetie!" He mother called behind the couch along with her father.
"Bye! Love you! See you soon, hopefully." Maddie called back as she made her way into the now packed street.
She pushed through till she found the once again familiar face of Damion and grinned.
"What did you think of the episode?" She called over the chatter of the group.
"Are you kidding? That had got to be the best thing since Torchwood!" He replied, still carrying the grin from earlier.
Damion shipped Johnlock harder than the Titanic on its maiden voyage.
'But, the guy is gayer than the day is long,' Maddie though to herself. 'I suppose that does take a part in it.'.
"So what's all this about then?" She asked.
"From what I've heard, they're gathering anyone who is willing and heading up to Scotland!"
Maddie glanced up at him, confused. Scotland?
"Scotland? Why?"
Damion gave a huff followed by his signature eye roll.
"Steven Moffat! We're going to rally or something as a thank you!"
"That's almost 564 kilometers! And by foot?"
"No! We're taking out the transit station, should only be a few hours till we get enough people. We've gotten word from all over that everyone's coming here. America has already begun their flight preparations. About 5 million we suspect should arrive tomorrow."
Maddie staggered mentally for a bit.
"5 million! Good god! That could take out the Armed Forces no problem!"
Damion's cheerful grin turned into a dark and almost twisted smirk before he resumed back to his normal personality.

Maddie wasn't at all shaken by this information. She felt something in herself, something that agreed with Damion and his plan.

Quickly heading back home, Maddie burst in the door and sprinted up the stairs, flinging the bedroom door open and grabbing her phone, a notebook, a map of the entire United Kingdom, a few pens, and her phone charger. She shoved the supplies into her bookbag and rushed downstairs to the kitchen. She immediately began stuffing the bag with as much food as it could hold.

From the other room, Maddie's mother called, "Where are you going?"

"To Damion's place. I'll be back...sometime soon," she added quietly. Maddie wasn't proud of her smooth and instant lying ability, but after joining so many fandoms and having so much to do at once, the powers of manipulating her parents and lying easily with good alibi came naturally.

The young woman proceeded to heft the pack on her shoulders and walk out the door after her mother made a satisfied noise, confirming she was free to go.
The large group had quieted down by a considerable amount now, and was slowly but surely making its way to the transit lot a city or two over. A few stragglers like herself were catching up upon doing the same thing she did, grabbing provisions and necessities.
Damion waved her into the center of the group where it was almost like the eye of the storm, less crowded and granting more mobility.

As Maddie shoved her way through the crowd toward Damion, her phone vibrated violently in her pocket, jarring her. She jumped, and a few surrounding people glanced over at her.

Swiftly pulling her phone out, Maddie examined the incoming message. Her eyes glided over the text reading:

Unknown Number:
What is happening? Are you feeling some weird feeling that you can't shake, but acrually feels...natural? Are you getting on the subway, tube, whatever you call it now? What part of the UK do you live in? Are you with people? How long do you plan on not being home? What's your Tumblr URL?

Maddie dashed over to Damion and pocketed her phone, the message's words burnt into her head. Who had her number? Was she safe? How did the sender know so much about her? What was going to happen? Why did other people have this feeling? Shaking her head, she turned to Damion and asked the most mundane question she could ask, "Do you know this number?"

Damion took her device and studied the series of numbers before handing it back to her.

"Not a thing," he said quickly, giving Maddie suspicions. Was Damion in on something?
What the heck was happening?

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