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Everything I'm writing is coming straight from the heart. This isn't going to be dedicated to anyone or anything. The introduction is purely to give you a feel of how I think and what my point of view on things is. Enjoy! 


Everything happens for a reason, they say. Well, do you ever think that maybe that "reason" is that you make bad decisions, and are a stupid teenager that can't grasp what your thoughts are truly trying to tell you? Yeah, things happen for a reason. People die, people meet, people do a lot of things, actually. People do so many things without thinking. One little thing could change the rest of your life for the better, or for the worse. You never know if a life event is going to change you in a positive way or not, and most of the time, if you try to predict what will happen, you'll be totally wrong.

So what if someone really close to you dies? Obviously you'd think that would affect you negatively.
So what if you fall in love? Mostly positive, right?
Making a new friend?
Losing a job?

If you were down in the dumps about something, I guarantee at least one annoying optimist will tell you that "Everything happens for a reason."

Does it? Does it really? Because I can say right now, with confidence, that things don't happen for "reasons." Things just happen. You can't control it, you can't predict it.

When you're curled up in fetal position in your bed in the middle of the night, in a fit of tears that seem endless because of something bad that happened, and it seems colder and darker than usual even though it's not, you ask yourself: Why would this happen to me?

Or most of the time, it's something that someone did to you. So you lie there and think: Why would someone do something like that? Well, does it ever cross your mind that some people don't think before they act? A lot of people are complete morons, actually. Some people are just downright mean.

Most bad things that people do to you are society-influenced though.

That's why you have to remember that a person isn't bad, people are bad. People are the worst things. They kill and steal, they deprive you of rights, they make you feel bad about yourself, and worst of all, they exist with such a negative aura that sometimes, you just can't stand to even see a person's face.

People can hurt you so badly that you actually want to die. You want to inflict pain on yourself because you're not good enough. You're not good enough for people. According to people, not only are you not good enough, but you're not good at all.

That's the thing with people is they don't even have to say or do anything to you to make you feel like absolute shit.

Everything happens for a reason.
Everything happens for a reason.
Everything happens for a reason.

I don't believe it's true. You know why?

Because if things are happening for a certain "reason" that is going to improve things somehow, or if something were to happen because it's "for the better," then why is there no happy ending?

How come things happen to me and nothing turns out the way I want it to?

Things don't happen for a reason. They just happen and they slowly can kill you or build you up. You just have to decide which thing you'll let them do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2014 ⏰

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