Oakpaw and Boltnight

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(These are two cat myself and someone else play on a game that I won't specify just so you guys know)
Boltnight: Oakpaw where are you
Oakpaw: I'm over with skypaw what's rong
Boltnight:theirs an injured cat over here and I can teach you something new
Oakpaw: oh hold on I'm coming
Boltnight: hurry
Boltnight:and just go into the herb storage I'll text you what to grab
Oakpaw:ok what do I need
Boltnight: this is a broken leg
Oakpaw:I thought you were teaching me something new
Boltnight:this has turned into a small test so what do you grab
Oakpaw:a stick,cobwebs,coltsfoot,and horsetail  (I think that's right I'm still learning)
Boltnight:yep that's it now hurry back
Oakpaw:on my way

Ok guys it's slightly short but this actualy happened so yaaaaa welpvill see you in the next update my kitlests.

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