Chapter one: Torture and Train

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Luke POV

I ran and ran, knowing that they were behind us. I was running but I trip and fell over and started to bleed.

" shit" I said and got up and started to run further but then I saw a window and I turn back but then they were in front of me, the people who love to torture others.

" come on, let's go Luke " said the tall one.

" we won't hurt you" said another one.

" no, I won't let you hurt Wendy" I said as I held Wendy in my arms, poor girl was tortured but I save her in time before they took her power and give to someone else.

" Luke lets go!" Screamed Carla

" here" I said and handing over Wendy.

" take her back to fairy tale and don't turn back" I said

" but what about you?" Ask Carla

" I'll be fine, now, GO!" I said

She flew off with Wendy and I jump out the same window I broke for Carla to fly away with Wendy. I didn't have my keys and then next thing. I blocked out.

" damn, he's hurt " said on of my kidnapper.

" put him in the cell" Said another

" what are we going to do?" Ask a another

" torture him until he becomes one of us, remember the queen chose her to become the prince of dragons " said another.

" now lets start" and with that I was hurt.

~ 2 years later ~

" you still won't give up, won't you" the guy, Zane said

" no, fairy tale will come and save me" I said

" it's been two years and they haven't come and have you heard, a old member thought to be due came back and they replace her for you" he said

" what?!?" I said and then I blacked out.

~ 8 years later~

" come on Luke it's time to stop thinking about fairy tale and become the prince of dragons " said zack.

" I won't even if I died" I said and with that he hit me in the stomach and I blacked out.

~6 years later ~

" do you, Luke heartfang, take this role and become the prince of dragons " said my mother.

" I do" i said. Yeah I thought about and decide to become powerful then my brother zeref and sister mavis and stronger then my uncle Anco.

~9 years later~

Lucy POV

I stronger then ever, I was practicing with wess. The light dragon, when a egg fell on my head and I saw a black egg with red claw marks on it. It started to hatch.

" umm....hello there" I said to the little girl exceed.

" hello master" she said

" I'm not your maste, but I'm your friend and you are my new family member " I said

" Aye sir!" She said, she remind me of that blue cat but what's his name,hmmm, well whatever.

" what's her name?" Ask wess

" I'll name her shadow "

" shadow, aye sir, I love it " she happy and I gave her a hug.

" let's keep on training" said wess

" aye sir!" We screamed.  

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