The Transfer Student

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Hinata's P.O.V


"Finally!!" said Ino who sat on the right. "Hey Hinata have you heard that there's going to be a new student here? " asked Ino. I only shook my head as a 'no' "Oh.... I sure hope its a boy" said Sakura joining our little conversation "I-if its a b-boy then y-you cant b-be h-his g-girlfriend." I said for the first time but I still stutter...... A LOT.
"Yeah... Hinata's right you cant be his girlfriend " said Ino "Whay can't I? " asked Sakura "B-because y-you a-already h-have S-sasuke-kun " I said "So if forehead cant have him then I will" said Ino happily "You cant be with him Pig you already have Sai!! " shouted Sakura "Ugh... Fine" said Ino giving up then we began to walk to the cafeteria while we're walking Ino and Sakura kept whispering about something then suddenly Sakura spoke breaking the silence "Hinata you dont have a boyfriend yet right? " Sakura asked "U-ummm..... Y-yeah" I said nervously about what they're planning "Hinata......Sakura and I have been planning if you and the new student can be together" said Ino "W-wha!??......... W-why m-me b-besides you d-don't know i-if h-hes a boy o-or not" I said defending myself "Aww.... Come on Hinata plss... " said Ino and Sakura in unison making puppy eyes and pouts "Fine" I said giving up "Yay" they both said and hug me without knowing it we made it at the Cafeteria,there we saw all of our friends I mean Ino and Sakura's friends because who would want to be friends with a nerd with big glasses.....

-Time Skip-

The bell rang signalling that lunch time is over we all walked to our 4th period which is math with Kakashi-sensei

"Oh... Man he's late again? " growled Kiba who is getting bored "Hn..... Can you stop talking your so annoying" said Sasuke coldly to Kiba "Ok fine..... Geez...... Dont be so cold like that"


the door suddenly burst open revealing Kakashi-sensei "I'm sorry I'm late.....I have to-"

"Can you just teach us and stop with the stupid excuses!!!!" yelled Kiba who is completely annoyed Kakashi just sigh and talk "Fine..... Class we are going to have a new student...... You can come in now" said Kakashi-sensei
plainly then the door slowly slide open revealing a yellow headed boy with ocean blue eyes and whiskers on each side of his cheek "Please.... Introduce yourself" said Kakashi while reading his perverted little book "Hi! Im Naruto Uzumaki please to meet you all" he said cheerfully while grinning "Ok..... You can sit beside................ "he said while looking for an empty seat but the only empty seat is on the left side seat beside me "............Ms. Hyuga" he said founding the empty seat beside me then I stood up so he will know where his seat is when he found me he slowly walks towards me my legs are shaking when he's completely in front of me he smiled and say "Hi there!" he said with a smirk then he sit in his seat beside me and start to make a little conversation with me "Hi I'm Naruto what's your name? " he asked then I shyly said my name
"H-hinata..... Hinata Hyuga" I said smiling shyly "Nice to meet you Hinata-chan" he said while reaching his right hand out for a shake I simply took it "Nice to m-meet y-you too U-uzumaki-san" I said while shaking his hand then Kakashi suddenly spoke "Ms. Hinata can you tour Mr. Naruto in our school" said Kakashi without looking away from his book "Hai" I said while standing up and walk outside with Naruto following behind me.

Naruto's  P.O.V

Man this girl is so cute....After our little tour Hinata take me to the Dorm and asked me something "W-whats y-your r-room number b-by the w-way" she said shyly "Oh... Its 324 what's yours?" I asked "U-ummm....I-i g-guess your m-my r-roommate" she said Im completely shocked after what she said ' this cute girl is my roommate?!!yay!! Lucky Me' I thought "H-here's our dorm room" she said.. 'wait what she said 'our dorm room' ohh.... Cant wait to be with her..... Ughh.... What Am I thinking' I thought and shrugged it off then suddenly she fainted in my arms.
Hinata's  P.O.V

When I showed Naruto our dorm room he suddenly staired at me for a good 5 minutes then I suddenly feel my vision is blurry and I feel Dizzy then guess what...................I fainted

Chapter End

Hope you like it guyz... Pls.... Follow me at Wattpad I don't own Naruto dattebayo

Ja Ne~

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