Dear Diary, I would like you to tell you a short story of my life. Even though It is not great or something to die for, I hope you will not get bored.. I just wanted to write down everything that I've felt and experienced. So here we go.. The story takes place from Nashville to San Francisco. Everything began when I was six. First of all, I have to mention the biggest flaw I had, I was blind, yeah It was HORRIBLE.. I was the subject everyone talked about,and every person in my homeland treated me like a sick person and they only expressed their pity. I got so fed up with it I just wanted to disappear. I was so stressed and wound up that I got stuck in my room and didnt get out for a month, I did hardly talk to anyone, the days were monotonous like hell, thoughts were running into my head like snakes who are hissing on the ground..So one day I went out in a park with my brother Robby and from that day my life changed. I stalked somebody by chance,he was a boy,who howled at me crying out: "What the hell, are you blind" and you know what guys? these words effected on me way too good, because finally someone didn't flatter face to face.. He felt his embarrasment I could see that even though my eyes were unable to. I don't totally remember what happened then but we both made acquaintance with each other, his name was Harry.
Although I couldn't see his appearance, his beautiful facial features,or anything the most important was that i knew his soul, I became so attached to him.We shared beautiful and happy moments together.We fell for each other, Yeah we loved each other, though it was childish and foolish I loved, him, I really did. Once when we were alone in the park, he told me: : "Emily, you know what? I really love you, promise me that when we grow up, you will became my wife.. - then stopped for a moment and when on - Have seen a sea? of course you have not,what did I ask I'm so sorry, you know I have not seen it either, when you get the light into your beautiful bright blue eyes we will go there together and enjoy the fresh air,contemplate the waves crashing down onto the shore, It will be magnificent,right?" and he started crying I came up to him and cuddled tightly.
Do you believe in love like that?If anyone ever told me could hardly understand, but when you experience this your point of view changes utterly.