Chapter 3

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As Mark wakes up, He remembers that he will probably meet his soulmate today! Mark nearly jumps out of bed and begins to get ready. Before he does anything else, Mark draws a smiley face on the back of his left hand. He throws on his school uniform and goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth. After Mark gets ready, he heads down stairs with his school bag to eat breakfast and get ready to leave. Mark's mom is waiting downstairs for him in the kitchen.

"My baby is all grown up!" Mark's mom says while hugging her son.

"Mom, please calm down you're gonna suffocate me with hugs" Mark jokingly says to his mother.

"It's not everyday that my baby is this close to meeting his soulmate! You better meet soon and give me another son"

"Mom please stop" Mark replies while blushing. He moves to grab his bag to leave for school and starts to walk to his car.

"I want grand babies soon!" Mark's mom tells Mark as he gets in his car. Mark just blushes and starts his drive to school.


"You took a picture of your arms right" Jr. asks Mark before class starts.

"Ya I did, why?" Mark asks while grabbing his history books out of his locker.

"If the notes appeared on your arm during our history class. Your soulmate must have been in chemistry while you were in history then.Today we have history first so your soulmate must have chemistry first." Jinyoung said.

"So let's head to the chemistry room and see who is there. Someone in that class will have the handwriting that matches the picture of my arm I took yesterday!" Mark says while pulling out his phone to see the pictures of his arms.

"I feel like we're gonna look pretty stupid going around the class looking at everyone's papers to see their handwriting" Jinyoung points out.

"I have a better idea!" Mark says. "I drew a smiley face on the back of my hand this morning! We can just look to see who has the matching smiley face on their hand!" Mark starts pulling Jr. down the hall toward the chemistry room.


"Look Bam!' Jackson said as he held out his left hand for his friend to see. "They drew me a smiley face! They can't be mad at me!"

"I knew they couldn't be mad at you. You and your soulmate are so cute it's sickening." Bam Bam said while grabbing his chemistry notebook and workbook out of his locker.

"Let's head to chemistry so we can get a good seat" Jackson says. "I have my notebook today so we should have no mishaps.

As the boys walk to class, they discuss the math homework from the previous night. Jackson and Bam Bam have no clue about the other two boys quickly walking their way.


Mark heard two boys arguing as he pulled Jr. to the chemistry room.

"No Jackson, I swear the answer wasn't 2.5 it was 7."

Mark looked over at the two arguing boys and noticed something. The boy with the black hair had a smiley face on the back of his left hand. It was exactly the smiley face that Mark had drawn that morning. Mark abruptly stopped, nearly tripping himself and Jr.

"Jinoyung" Mark whispers to his friend. "That's my soulmate."


Well aren't cliff hangers fun! Another update in less than 24 hours, I'm actually on top of things for once. I'll try to have the next chapter up soon. The next one will probably be the last unless yall want me to do an epilogue or something. Thanks for reading!

Words on my Skin - a markson soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now