Run 3

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Ok, so maybe going to the half pipe to show this dude up wasn't the best idea. I had this great plan, I was going to swagger over there, be all 'yo beyotches,' and show off some serious skill.

It was going great, I was walking all cool-like towards the pipe, not like the little fan girls who come and hang around the guys here, who, like, prance like a unicorn, oh no, I was ballin'.

Until, in typical Gracie fashion, I walked into a tree.

Which hurt. A lot.

And also attracted the attention of hot mr. ginger jerk over there, and not in a good way.

He jogged over, leaving his helmet on with the goggles pushed up on its brim and his board back at the pipe. He was breathless from his recent run.

"Hey, you ok? I saw you walk into that tree, it looked like it hurt." He said, extending a hand to pull me up.

I ignored it, and pushed myself up. I leaned down and grabbed my board from where I dropped it, and brushed off the snow.

"Yeah, I erm. Just walked into a tree." I said awkwardly, flushing red. Oh man, Gracie, he just said that! Obviously you just walked into a tree.

"Yeah." He said, giving me a smile. "Are you Ok? Do you have a concussion, or, um..." He trailed off, pulling off his helmet and running a hand through his fiery red hair.

Oh great. Just lovely. He thinks I'm concussed now.

"No, no!" I exclaimed slightly loud. He raised an eyebrow. "I'm fine. Totally fine. This happens to me a lot."

He chuckled. "Walking into trees?" He asked.

I shrugged. "More like walking into anything. It's a habit of mine."

He threw back his head as he laughed, which, let me be cliché for a moment here, was one of the best sounds ever. And yep, there was that killer smile.

"Ah, that's funny." He grinned, sticking out a gloved hand. "Shaun."

I grimaced slightly at his remark before quickly rearranging my face into a smile. I was being completely serious about the whole walking-into-stuff thing.

I shook his gloved hand then stuck my hand into my pants pocket. "I'm Gracie."

He flashed me a grin. "Nice to meet you, Gracie." He extended his chin towards my board. "You ride?"

I grinned deviously and pulled up my red bandanna so it covered the lower half of my face. "Hell yeah I do. And I think it's my turn on the pipe, by the way."

Shaun chuckled. "Alright then. Let's see what you can do, shorty."

I spun around on my heel and faced him, walking backwards towards the pipe now.

"Shorty? Lets go with Shawty." I joked, and winked.

I spun and walked to the top to the sound of his ringing laughter.

"Cocky much?" Shaun called laughing.

"Watch and learn from the master, " I called as I reached the top.

I strapped my feet into my purple bindings, pulled my goggles over my eyes and adjusted my bandanna.

Ok. Focus, Gracie. Show this startlingly charming redhead why you're a professional.

Just remember: He tried to run you over this morning.

I shook my shoulders to relieve the tension, crouched into a proper stance, and took off.

I flew the pipe, going high and doing flips and twists like no other. I did have a shaky landing on the last 1080, where I wobbled a bit and touched the snow briefly with my hand, but it was pretty good for no warmup.

Coach would be so proud.
Actually, Coach would just be proud I didn't fall in the pipe in front of him.

Frankly, I think I have embarrassed myself enough in front of him today.

I mean, I did run into a tree.

And people wonder why I'm dating my fridge.

As I finished I turned sharply,
spraying powder up like confetti and unstrapped myself.

Shaun wolf-whistled, making me grin.

"Damn, Gracie, that was sick!" He exclaimed, giving me a high five.

I slapped his hand and laughed, saying,
"Man, are you kidding me? I saw you earlier. You were shredding it up!"

We laughed. I felt any annoyance with Shaun disappear. He's pretty chill.
As long as he doesn't try to run me over again, I'm good.

Our little moment was over too soon when a shrill voice yelled from the top of the slope a little ways away. "Gracie Ann White, where have you been!?"

Introducing: Cialka

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