The Unexpected

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Harry's p.o.v.

All morning I have been talking to the guidance counselor and what my schedule is. It's only 4 classes, how can it e that hard. I've been trying my best and my clothes aren't showing my good side. Yes I would consider myself a badass and yes I do smoke and have sex. What high schooler doesn't these days. I wore my black skinny jeans and a blue v neck so no one could see my hidden ink. Mrs. Hill the guidance counselor told me that her daughter would be showing me around like I'm some stupid lost kid.

Evidentially her name is Megan and some straight A student, so her mom says.

"Megan Hill, please report to the main office." I hear over the speakers. I awkwardly wait for this girl to show up so I sit in a chair in the corner and imagine what she looks like.

When I turn around to a girl voice saying she's here. I just stop. I start with her face, looking at her blonde hair which just goes over her boobs. Then her actual boobs which I dare at a little too long. Then, lower, her legs are perfect and not one of those too skinny legs, just a small gap. Nothing to special. Down to her shoes, not exactly what I was expecting but taking her all in was soothing for me.

"Uh-hm." I hear Mrs. Hill clear her throat, knowing I was staring at her daughter. Whoops.

"This is my daughter, Megan." I turn back to her daughter, staring at her once again.

"Hey." I mumble. I can't tell if I'm blushing but if I am, she's gonna think I'm a pussy.

"Hi?" She questions, I look at her looking for an expression but see none.

"This is Harry. He's new obviously, you'll have to show him around and get him situated to the surroundings, and since its almost the end of second period, you can just go straight to lunch and talk if you'd like. Also, I have assigned him to all of your classes to make it easier." Mrs Hill states, pointing to me but talking to Megan. Megan walks to the door, and holds it open and waits for me to walk out.

"Thanks, love."

I can tell she's nervous because she hasn't made eye contact yet and she always is looking down. In her weak state I make a decision.

Next thing I know I'm pushing her up against the locker and she makes a small whimper from impact. I back up, not knowing what just took over me.

"Sorry Megan." I state, not looking up to meet her eyes.

"That's alright, shit happens." she giggles. And looks up to me. Her eyes are an amazement, a mixture of blue and green. Almost like the two colors fighting for ownership of her eyes. She looks away from my gaze. This is good. She's intimidated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2014 ⏰

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