8 Meeting Dallas's Family

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"Dallas what if they don't like me," I said standing in the closet doorway scared beyond belief of meeting his family.

They are arriving today and want to have dinner with us and get to know me and talk about the wedding. I HAVE ALMOST NOTHING FOR THE WEDDING DONE!

"Anna I love you and I mean this in the sincerest way. SHUT UP! STOP WORRYING SO MUCH! IT GIVES A PERSON A MAGRANN! Seriously there is nothing for them not to like." He kinda shouted at me but not loud.

"Seriously... There is. Um, you all have been in this gang for years and grew up in it. You guys are tough. I'm. I'm just a weak little girl."

"Anastasia," He whispered only loud enough for me to barely hear. He walked over to me and grabbed my hands. " You are not weak. On the outside you are, I have to admit small and frail. But, that ma'am is just for show. On the inside, you have the biggest fire blazing inside of yourself. Your strong, beautiful, smart and the strongest person I know. You have been through so much but you're still fighting like the warrior you are. You are still determined to do the best you can for yourself and everybody and everything around you." He said with no hesitations in his voice, he said it with so much power... So much truth. After he was done. We stood there in the doorway of the closet looking at each other's eyes for a couple of minutes.

I tried to hold back all of the tears in my eyes. To look like the definition he just put upon me. To look strong but I couldn't hold them back and a tear fell down my cheek. I cursed myself for looking the opposite of his words. He took his right hand out of mine and wiped my cheek gently. He then grabbed the side of my face and kissed me gently.

After a couple of seconds of the kiss, we pulled away and he was smiling at me, at the same moment, another tear fell, then another. After, any more could fall I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.


"Yes, Anna."

"I'm sorry."

He looked at me with a confused look.

"You're sorry? Anna, what would you be sorry for? There is nothing for you to be sorry for."

"I'm sorry for being so emotional all the time. I'm sorry for causing so much stress and problems. I'm...." I began to explain but he stopped me.

He pulled his hands away from mine "No! No, Anna, you can't feel sorry for anything. All of this has happened to you in such a small amount of time. Things like this don't happen to anybody for an entire lifetime."


"NO! NO IF'S, AND'S, OR BUT'S ABOUT IT! DO YOU UNDERSTAND! DO NOT FEEL SORRY FOR ANYTHING!" He said walking back over to me, he grabbed my cheeks and explained to me.

"Okay..." I sighed

"Know," He said letting go and walking over to his clothes, "let's get ready. They will be here at any moment."

"Casual or formal."

"Sweatpants for all I care. You look beautiful no matter what."

I smiled at his small remark "Okay."


"Ready?" Dallas asked me walking out of the bathroom buttoning up his blue cotton button-up.

I looked in the mirror and adjusted my green flannel, the black tank-top I had underneath it and the light blue jeans I had on.

"Almost let me just put my hair in a high ponytail," I said as I flipped my head over and began to brush it all into a ponytail. I decided not to do anything with my makeup just because I thought I looked okay enough without it.

After I finished a flipped my head back up. "Okay let's go."


"We are indoors. Do I have to put shoes on?"

He laughed at me and shook his head no, "let's go."


We had been sitting on the stairs of the front door for about twenty minutes whenever a black Bugatti Chiron pulled up. My jaw dropped. This car was reported to be the fastest, most high tech, and the most expensive car in the world in 2015.

Whenever the car came to a complete stop a very attractive boy about my age or older got out of the back seat. He had on a black vans shirt and blue skinny jeans that sagged with gray vans. His hair was the same color as Dallas' but a little bit shorter. That was his brother.

Next, came a man out of the driver side with a black suit. He was older than both Dallas and the boy. He was an older version of Dallas and his brother. That was their father.

Their father walked over to the passenger side door of the car and opened it. It was like the movies whenever the person gets out of the car but it's in slow motion building the suspense that's how this felt. First, came out a pair of red heels and then the whole 6-foot blonde. She was beautiful with a sweet smile on her face. This was the mother.

Compared to this family I felt sickeningly ugly.

"OH!" The women said smiled looking at Dallas, "how much I have missed my boy. You have grown so much, and your getting married. I swear you better make me a grandma before I die. I want a baby to spoil again."

"Hello, mother. How have you been?" Dallas laughed smiling at his mother and giving her a hug. He was only a few inches taller than her.

"Is this her?" She asked pulling away from her son and walking over to me.

"Yes. This is Anastasia." Dallas said walking over to me and my mother. Next thing I knew I was being pulled into a hug by the women.

"Oh, Mary give the women some space." The man said walking over to us. The women pulled away from me.

"Well, aren't you just a cute little bundle." The man said looking me at me with a smile. "Hello, I'm Dallas' father. I'm Sam, this is my wife, his mother Mary."

"Hello, it's nice to meet both of you. I'm Anastasia."

"We know." The boy standing at the car said walking over to the bunch of people. "My brother never stops talking about you anymore every time we talk to him it's always stories about you. How you guys met in a cafe you worked in and how he just could not leave it there. He had to get to know you. And, know just a few months later you are getting married."

WAIT! WHAT? He lied to his family. He told them we met in a cafe I worked at. He didn't tell me that his men kidnapped me! I darted my eyes to Dallas and he was looking at me with a pale face.

"It's all kind of sickening if you ask me. He has gone soft. Maybe, with you around, I could have the gang know." The boy laughed, holding out his hand. " I'm Zane."

I took his hand, still in shock of the truth I had just learned.

"Anastasia," I whispered in a daze. 

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