wake up

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your time has come child of Poseidon.

What do you want with me.

Oh just to........

"Wake up,Wake up" screamed Tova, My sister.

"OK I'm up" I screamed back

I got dressed went down for breakfast.Tova said, "Were having eggs and toast."

" my favorite." I said

"So....." she said " what did you dream about last night.?"

"I had the same dream again last night about the voice saying' Your time is up child of Poseidon'"

" Huh...weird"

" I know"

" well I have to get going to the .....umm......... mall. Yes that's it I'm going  to the mall."

"ok..........well can I get a ride to the mall?"

"well...... I guess I can get a taxi?!"


                     ( 5 min. later)

* ring ring* *ring ring*



"oh hey G..... Jeff"


"oh,now really'


"OK I guess I could"


"k see you in a bit"



Percy Jacksons TwinWhere stories live. Discover now