new beginnings contest

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My hands shook as I wrapped the bandage around my wrists and palms.
Round and round I wound the worn piece of cloth and I told my self that the twisting in my belly was because of anticipation. Not fear. Never fear.

Finishing up with my bandages I began stretching, a few light calisthenics to get myself warmed up.

My brother walked in as I began the side sit-ups and joined me.

"Nervous?" He said with a confident smirk
"Heh" I scoffed "of you?" I said with a matching smirk of my own.

Truth be told I was confident that I could win. I had practiced too hard to not. But dhanush was no fluke. He had beaten me as many times as I had beaten him. His fighting technique was offensive, displaying his brutal strength while mine was water like my element, redirecting his force to the opponent himself. It was a good match though.

Father never approved of my technique. It was actually mother's, but he didn't know that.

The dojo was dark, and when father entered he switched on all the lights immediately.

Dhanush and I were already sitting with our feet folded beneath us and palms flat on our thighs,our backs ramrod straight as we waited for him to speak.

I stared right back into his eyes as he scrutinised us, just like he told us, eye contact he said. And instinctively I tried to search for a hint of approval within his cold hard stare, a spark of pride that he always reserved for my younger brother.

"The rules of this fight are simple.There are seven candles hung above you."
Holding up a thin candle, the size of a small scale in his hand, a spark shot out of his index finger as he lighted the candle.

"You have until this candle melts. The one to stand before me with the most candles wins."

Hm. That was a lil too simple I thought. Father never does things without a loophole.

As he stepped outside the dojo he added "And one last thing, the candles only count when they have a flame atop their wicks." Saying so he switched off all the lights of the dojo and stepped out before closing the door.

A deep frown etched itself onto my face. I was at a huge disadvantage in this challenge. I was a water elemental. There was no way I could pass this ...and...dhanush was a pure fire elemental. He could make fire out of thin air just like father, and I knew for a fact that the arrogant idiot was rather good at it.
I on the other hand was normal water witch. I could manipulate water but not create it. Although, being a witch in itself was a uncommon gift, it was coveted to be a witch or wizard of one of the elements,and even more rare to be a pure elemental like dhanush or father.

But that didn't make them unbeatable.

Standing up I walked towards the door, listening for any sounds. Sure enough there was creaking towards my left.

"Giving up already nee-san?" It looked like he was somewhere on top, already collecting the candles.

"Keep Dreaming little brother" I smirked.

A minute later as I stood ready at the door I heard the woosh of air

A fist connected with my chin.

Giving him a solid punch of my own in the gut I swiftly had him in a bodylock. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold him for long, but I had to know where he hid his candles.

His hands strained as he tried to get away from where I held them in the crook of one of my arms as I sat on his back, my free hand searching for the telltale softness of wax.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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