Chapter 1

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Awakening and comatose

Domino City 1996 :

Yugi Moto squealed in delight when he realised only 2 more pieces were left of the Millennium Puzzle to finish it.
He had been trying to finish it for 8 years now and despite the frustrating that came with it he was glad he never gave up on fixing it.
His grandpa had told him when he gave Yugi the golden box with the puzzle pieces that it was said that whoever completed the puzzle could make his or her wish come true.
Yugi at first wished for friends but lately he already gained those so as he was near completing the puzzle he wondered what his new wish would be. 

'I wish for true love' he thought as he clicked the first of the last two pieces in place.

"No that's silly" Yugi said shaking his head. "Love should come naturally.  If I wish for it with a magical artifact it would seem forced. I need to make them love me with my own strength"

He sighed. "If only I had more confidence" and he clicked the last piece in place.

The completed puzzle started to glow brightly and Yugi squeezed his eyes shut to block out the light. He felt a light pressure on the back of his head but when he turned around he saw nothing.  The pressure grew heavier and Yugi felt like he could pass out any minute. "What's happening? hurts..." he said with clenched teeth before the pressure became too much and the world turned black before Yugi slumped forward onto his desk.

Kumamoto 1996 :

18 year old Atemu Taiyo ran home from the local game shop. He just bought the latest Duel Monsters cards.
He hoped he could strengthen his deck before his first ever Duel Monsters Tournament.  He was pretty excited for it.
His parents didn't approve of him entering a card game tournament until he had finished high school.
And 2 weeks ago he finally graduated. Finally his dream would come true. Tomorrow he could finally register for the yearly local tournament. He just hoped his headache wouldn't get any worse.
Lately he was feeling pangs of pain running through his head. He blamed it on stress with graduation stuff and now ofcourse the tournament. He took painkillers ofcourse but it didn't seem to work at all.

Finally arriving at home he took of his boots and ran up the stairs to his room.

"No running in the house Atemu" he heard his mother yell from the kitchen. He smirked.

He plopped down on his bed and took out the Duel Monsters packages from his pocket and ripped them open to look through his new cards.
Skimming through them he saw something that made him gasp and let out a yell of delight.

"Yes, yes, yes.  Finally!!"

In his hand was the card he had been wanting to have for ages. Dark Magician. This would make his desk super strong.
He stroked the card as if it was a precious treasure and felt a pang of pain in his head again. He frowned and rubbed the side of his head. Stupid headache. 

"Atemu, dinner is ready!!!" his mother yelled from downstairs.


He put the cards in the box that contained his deck and went downstairs. He felt like his headache only got worse with every step he took.

When he entered the kitchen he suddenly heard a voice in his head.

"I wish for true love"

It sounded like a boy. Atemu looked around but didn't see any boy in the room. He felt his heart skip a beat.

'Am I hallucinating now?' and his eyes widened.

"Atemu?" He looked up and saw his mother looking worried at him. "Something wrong?"

" It's nothing. I just...nevermind" and he suddenly felt an extreme pressure in his head that made him lose his balance and he fell on his knees.

"Atemu!!!" His mother came to him fast and took hold of his shoulders.  "Atemu, what's wrong? Is it your headache?" Atemu tried to lift his head but he felt himself slipping away into darkness. He heard his mother faintly calling his name before he completely lost consciousness and slumbed forward.

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