Chapter 3 | Running| Chapter 3

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We are walking through the forest and down the hill. To my left, there is Merle holding my tied arms and my gear. To the right some steps ahead of us, squirrel-guy's scouting the way.

I sigh as we get closer to the end of the hill. Closer to my belongings.

"It's in that direction. I say kinda nodding my head in the direction we are looking at but slightly to the right. deeper in the forest.

"Well okay princess, then lets keep movin. ain't got all day gor that" Merle pulls me forward while the other one keeps scouting forward.

We walk through bushes as Merle starts talking "So.. erm.. how long have ya been on your own kiddo?"

I have confused expression on my face. "Why? Why do ya care?" I ask a little bit confused about the question.

"I'm just curios. And you two are boring as hell." He grins as he looks to the ground.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Really funny" I roll over my eyes as I hear a little rustling sound coming from the bushes which are in front of us. Merle pulls me to the ground and I grunt in confusion.

"Oh what the-"
"Shut up!" Merle hisses and puts his hand over my mouth.

He makes eye-contact with the other redneck.
Squirrel-guy nods, crouches closer to the source of the sound and holds his crossbow in his hands. Ready to pull the trigger.

The rustling sound gets louder as two of the undead appear ahead of Squirrel-guy. He quickly shoots the first one and then tries to kill the other one with his hunting knife. But the undead overpowers him. They both fall to the ground. The redneck struggles to get rid of the undead.
Merle jumps up and rushes over to the other guy.

I take my opportunity to escape form them, while they attempt to fight off the living corpse.
I jump up and pull my arms under my feet in front of me. I start to run into the direction we were going to.

In the corner of my eye I can see that the two rednecks stand up and start to chase after me.
"Damn it! Come back you lil bitch!" Merle yells.

The voice of Merle and the sound of their food steps seem to become more quiet than they have been before. I keep running as I glimpse behind me for one second. They were gone. I slow down. Start to walk and then stop. I take a deep breath and look around. I feel relief as I notice that they seem to be actually gone.

A little chuckle left my lips "Well, that was easier than expected. Unfortunate I have lost my bow and knife but I can make a new one anyway."

I look around so I can find the way back to my car. As I start walking I hear the sound of cracking leaves and sticks.

~Shit!~ I look at the direction where the sound came from.
~Please let it be a undead and not those rednecks. PLEAAAAASE!~ I try to pick up a branch with my still tied hands, ready to attack whatever is hidden behind those trees. I hear a grunting and an undead appears in front of me. I tighten my grip around the branch, swing it against its head and.. didn't really smash it.

~God damn it! Can I do something right for once?~ I think to myself as I attempt to smash its head again.
This time I'm able to crush the undead's head.
I drop the branch to the ground and start to move again.

Some minutes later, I can already see my car. Happy as hell I start running over the vehicle with a small smile on my face.
I'm only steps away from my stuff as suddenly something pushes me to the ground.
I open my eyes still wondering who tackled me.
As I look up I can see Squirrel-guy crouching over me, being fucking close to my face and holding my bound hands over my head, pushing them on the ground.
He breathes heavily. Seems like he was running a lot.

" It's really great that you tackled me just to be closer to me. But don't ya think that this is a bit too close? I grin while he immediately backs up a bit as he notices how close actually his face is to mine.

I start laughing "What the matter? Shy?"

"Shut up." He grunts as he tightens his grip around my wrists and pushes them more on the ground.

"Yeah alright dude! Chill." I say to him as he keeps putting more pressure on my wrists.

"Oh, do I interrupt somethin?" Merle appears behind Squirrel-guy. Laughing about his own joke.

He gets up, packs my wrists again and picks me up. He grunts at Merle while he pushes me over to where my car is standing.

"Let's have a look what we've got here!" Merle claps his hands together, walks up to the the truck and looks what he can find inside.

In the meantime, Squirrel-guy hits me against the truck and aims with his crossbow at me, so I won't try to run off again.
I just look and smile at him. Just because I think that it would annoy him or that he'll feel awkward.
He tightens his grip around his weapon and looks quite annoyed or even angry.

"What?" He finally asks.
"Nothing." I reply with a little smile on my face.
"Just wanted to see how fast I can get on ya nerves. I pause for a second. "Seems like that worked pretty quick."

He grunts at me but keeps his eyes locked.
It gets a bit akward after a while because we are just starring at each other.

"Well princess, you have got a lot of nice stuff there!" Merle broke the awkward silence.

The other redneck and I keep starring at each other as he replies "So we're driving back to camp?"

"seems like it" Merle swings his ass on the driver seat.

The other one graps me roughtly at the collar of my tang-top and pushes me on the back seat. He places himself next to me, so I won't try to escape again.

"Oh, I'm honored that you want to sit next to me." A small grin appears on my face

He ignores me and tells Merle to finally start driving.

We are now driving back to camp and I'm curious but also afraid what will happen to me next.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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