05 || See You Again

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Donatello felt like he might be ashamed for keeping a small portion of the purple ooze... and using it to see Gray.

He knew if Leo found out along with his father Splinter, he'd be in deep trouble and he isn't one to be in trouble. There are a bunch of different kinds of scenarios going on inside his head and they made him think about how everything would turn out in the future. Donnie could already feel the pressure coming on his shoulders and he is aware that it'll be worse the more he proceeds with this crat life he had created. He's already a mutant ninja turtle who is a teenager and is thinking about this human girl who he just ... well, had sex with.

As he worked in his lab with every trinket, he placed a few drops of the ooze in his watch and shut it tight before twisting it to become a human being once again. He had the same thick short brown hair, his skin tone is very fine-- no green scales and his shell is gone. 

Donnie is glad to know that his brothers and Splinter are asleep in their beds and he took advantage of this! He wanted to go up to the surface where he could hopefully locate Gray. As soon as he got everything situated on his person, he ran through the large sewer tunnels and found his way up to the surface. He walked out of the alleyway before placing the manhole cover back on the entrance and merges into the many crowds of people. He took in a deep breath and hoped that there won't be any complaints this evening.

During his walk, he hooked his thumbs on his pant pockets, doing his best to blend in with humankind. He hadn't noticed this before, but his long legs acted like stilts-- he's at least six foot four. As a mutant turtle, he is six foot eight. But he put his attention back to Grayson; his main priority. "Alright, Gray. Give me a sign you're still here."

He could feel the friendly cool breeze rush through his hair and he thought it was a great privilege to be walking among the people of New York. Then, when he was just about ten minutes into his walk around the city, he saw a young woman wearing a red coat with dark wavy hair in front of him. When he picked up the pace to discover her facial feature, he had found her. 


Going to Starbucks is probably the best idea Gray had when it came to trying to find Donnie. After she cleaned herself up back at her apartment, she took a shower, got dressed, and looked her best in a ruby-colored coat.

The moment she entered Starbucks, she thought a caramel ribbon crunch will satisfy her cravings. And right behind her, without her knowing a single thing, Donatello followed her in with a low profile. He moved away from her while she went to join the line of people nd sat down at an available table. He watched from a distance, making his observations not too obvious.

He saw that Gray walked up to the counter and ordered her drink. Then, she began to converse with the cashier. She questioned the woman behind the counter where a certain person may be. "Tall, brown hair, glasses, kind of talks with his hands."

The employee of Starbucks wished that she could help Grayson with her questions.ANd of course, there was nothing she could provide for Gray. "No, I'm sorry. We get a lot of people walking through here." The woman replied, handing Gray her drink.

"Thanks anyway," Gray says, taking her drink and retreating to the door of the little cafe.

The mutant turtle who is now a human had heard a decent description of himself and he raised his head from where he sat. Don got up from the table quickly, accidentally bumping his hip into the edge of the tale. He groaned as a reaction and somehow got Grayon's attention as she was about to walk out.

Don gulped the second he made intense eye contact ith Grayson. His breath shuddered and he plucked a portion of courage from his head so he could speak to the young woman. The woman who he had a few intimate moments with. "G-Grayson..."

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