{Pentagon What Type Of Boyfriend They Would Be}

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JINHO~ Loyal and always there for you when you need him the most and is always your shoulder to cry on

HUI~ Knows you more than you know yourself and knows whats the best and worst for you

HONGSEOK~ The one who keeps that smile of your smile never upside down the one you makes you feel as though you matter in this world

E'DAWN~ Can talk forever but would never not listen to you when you needed to rant

SHINWON~ The type that understands your insecurities and helps you become a better you

YEO ONE~ The type that makes you feel as if he cares about you almost too much. Always asks if you've eaten ;-)

YAN AN~ The playful almost child like cherub of a boyfriend who is the sweetest thing this earth has ever laid it's eyes upon

YUTO~ The kind to protect you and make you feel safe in almost every situation

KINO~ The best friend who can laugh about the dumbest stuff with you and have all those inside jokes together

WOOSEOK~ Would never let you over work yourself to a point of exhaustion when he could relax you in 5 minutes by cuddling you

I hope you all liked it! More to come in the future!

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