chapter one

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lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning.

Cameron drops me off at my older brother Omar's house.

"Good luck at your interview, baby." I kiss his cheek and get out of the car.
"Thank you." He leans over and opens my car door for me.
I playfully roll my eyes, "Always the gentleman."

"Shut up." He smiles.

I step out of the car and watch him pull off. I walk to my brothers front door and knock.

He opens it after a few minutes, "Tee!"  Omar pulls me into a hug and the smell of his strong cologne hits me like a truck.

"Whoa!" I laugh and pull away. "Try to put less of that shit on."

Omar chuckles and opens the door wider so I can step in. "How come we never meet at your place anymore."

I swallow, " 'Cause your house is nicer."
  "I know that, but I like your apartment." He closes the door and falls into step with me as I walk to his kitchen. Where his wife, Brandy is.

"Hey, Bran." I smile politely. She smiles back, "Hi Tee."

We aren't that close. But I respect her because I love my brother and they're married.

"Anyway," I look at my brother, "I'm the youngest and I say we meet here."
  "Im the oldest and I say-" I cut him off.
"So! How's life going?"

His eyes light up, "Pretty good. I think the kids are starting to like me." He walks behind his breakfast bar where Brandy is chopping vegetables and takes one.

She playfully smacks his hand and they both laugh.

Omar is a 5th grade teacher, he just got a job at a new school and at first, the kids hated him. But he's starting to prove he's the coolest teacher there.


  "How about you? How's waitressesing going?"
  I shrug, "It's okay, I guess. I mean, its just serving people food, nothing special."


"You seem kinda down." Brandy sits down at the table with me.
I look at her, "I'm fine."
"You sure?"
"I'm frustrated, that's all."
She peeks at her phone and looks back at me, "Whats the matter?"
  "You know Cameron lost his job?"
She nods.
"Well, its hard for him to get another one. He had an interview today and it didn't go well today."

"I'm sure things will get better."
  "I hope so."

Coincidentally I get a call from Cameron, "Hey."
  "I'm on my way to pick you up."
  "Just stopping for some gas."
"Alright, see you in a minute." I hang up and start to gather my things. "Nice seeing you."
"You too."


Omar comes to wait with me, just as Cameron pulls up.

"Hey babe." I stand up and Cameron gets out of the car.

He walks to me and takes my bag out of my hand, putting it in the backseat. "Hi."

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