Down by the lake....

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  • Dedicated to Caitlin for our amazing imaginations and messages!

It was just a normal summers day, Tom was out with the boys recording new songs and I was having a girly day with Georgia. We were waiting for the boys to get back when the post man knocked at the door with a huge parcel covering his face, he was about 5 11" and had brown/blonde hair spiked into a sexy style.

"Mia Fletcher?" he said, I nodded as he passed me the parcel. It was decorated in red and white sequins and a pretty red bow, with my name printed in a swirly font. He started to move his mouth again but no words came out, he let out a slight cough and said: " you mind if you open it now?" I looked at him with a confused expression but reluctantly agreed. I started with pulling the tail of the red bow as it fell of his eyes lit up, I tore open the cardboard and out came red tissue paper with a sparkly white envelop saying "to my little jelly bean", it was from Tom, why would he send me a huge parcel when he's away working mm? I opened the envelop and pulled out a little note:

"To my little jelly bean, I know I've been away for a week now with the boys and I cant believe I miss you this much! I cant wait to plant my lips on yours and have cuddles, but as I have to wait a few days till I come back I thought I'd treat you and I to something a little special... look in the envelope, love you xx"

I couldn't help but smile like a goon and a tear came to my eye, I looked in the envelop and there was two plane tickets to Disney Land Florida! Tears of joy streamed down my face and my smile got even bigger. After about 10 minuets of smiling I realised the post man was still at my door, what an embarrassing moment jeez, but something was different about him, he looked different..

This was my first time writing a fan fic so its not great, but hopefully I'll improve! I'll write the next chapter later!:)

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