Kavlier: I left my Harry potter
scarf in Mr Edgeworth's
officeSimon: and ten points got to...
Apollo:...go f**king kill yourself
Kavlier:cease this
Simon:this is why we can't have
nice things...Apollo:...literally
Kavlier: you guys are next to
each other aren't youSimon:K
Kavlier: you guys are just being
StupidSimon:little did he know...
Apollo:...I am gay
Kavlier:you...better bend over
for me this afternoonApollo:oh
Simon: well then
Apollo:things didn't turn out as
plannedKlavier:I am the furry Lord
Simon:alright that's it
Klavier: don't smite me
(Simon Blackquill removed Klavier Gavin from the group)
Apollo: I'm not really gay
Phoenix:WTF happened
Miles: some gay shit
Apollo: I'm not gay
(Miles Edgeworth added Klavier Gavin to the group)
Klavier: ah, you son of a bi***!
Simon: No furries!