t w o - h o m e w o r k

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**this will be a short story, with very short chapters. however, multiple chapters will be published at a time. :)

Third Person

The soft, relaxing melody of piano was the only thing that could be heard in the Callahan household. That, and the soft, slow sips of coffee Harry had been downing.

Harry was careful to be quiet and polite, patiently waiting for his business partner to return from the restroom. He tapped his fingers against one of the many piles of paper that lay before him.

He wanted to groan, moan, and sob at the amount of stress he was enduring. This lawsuit had taken a huge toll on him.

Placing his large hands over his face, squeezing his eyes shut to relieve at least a little bit of the throbbing sensation in his forehead, something startled him -- the sudden sound of footsteps going down the stairs.

Jumping up in surprise, Harry nearly knocked over his cup of coffee. Geez, he thought, the stress is making me imagine things.

When in fact, he wasn't imagining things at all. Suddenly, no other than little Angelina made her presence known with a small giggle. Harry jumped again, turning to look at her.

Just from the sight of her, his heart rate immediately increased, his palms growing sweaty and clammy. He felt his entire face heat up.

"It's only me." Angelina smiled warmly, standing in what seemed to be her school uniform. Her dark colored hair was thrown into a neat ponytail, no ounce of makeup evident. Harry took the time to examine her round, childlike face.

Her rosy cheeks, tiny nose, large chocolate colored eyes, reddened lips, and bushy eyebrows.

He smiled warmly at her. "Hey, kiddo."

Angelina plopped down on her fathers seat, staring up at Harry. "Hello, Styles. What are you up to?" She placed her chin in the palm of her small hand.

Harry looked down at the stacks of paper on the table. "Well, your father and I are working on this lawsuit, it's driving us nuts." He frowned.

"Oh," Angelina sadly said. She placed a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it softly. Jolts of electricity lit up his entire body, making his skin heat up.

"Maybe you should take a break." She shrugged slowly, her eyes wandering down to the messy table and coffee cups. She frowned. She didn't want her father to be stressed out.

"And how could I do that?" Harry asked the small girl. She got down from the seat, and walked closer to him. He gulped.

"I'm not sure, go out to eat or something, perhaps go get some drinks at the bar, but if you let my father drink too much I'll murder you," she warned firmly, pointing a finger at Harry. He just chuckled.

"I don't like to see him so stressed, as a matter of fact, I'm going to go study some more for my biology test tomorrow, I want him to be very proud of me when I get a perfect one-hundred percent." Angelina chirped before giving me a warm smile and darting back up the stairs.

Harry merely sighed at the adorable encounter. All little Angelina ever wanted to do was impress her father and be a perfect little angel. I want her to be my perfect little angel, Harry thought to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2018 ⏰

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