Hidden Chapter

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Haiyo~! Chrone here! and here's a hidden chapter for reading this book so far~ (^ w ^)/

Hey! That's supposed to be my part to tell them! %( > ^ <)%

Chrone: Aw~ your no fun

Chrone! %(>///<)% dont just shorten my username and call me by that name!

Chrone: Why's that? It sounds so cute~ w

..............Anyways, in this hidden chapter, we'll be having a quick interview on the characters on this book so far...

Chrone: ( - __- ) mm..That sounds too boring Shimi-chan~

Dont just call made up names for others, okay?

Chrone: Why dont I? Its the easiest way for me to remember someone's name

Oh really~? Then...Ah! What can you name for Kaneki?

Chrone: hmm..well, during my first appearance on your book, in the script, I called him Kaneki-kun, although, if I wanna make a name for him..that would be..
Snowball A fluffy white rabbit..just like his hair (/♡ w ♡)/

What about when he has black hair?

Chrone: Dusty! (^w^) since he always reads in dusty bookshelves and also, I love to call all black rabbits "Dusty"

What about when he's in the name of Haise Sasaki?

Chrone: Hmm...ah! Sh@#-

Okay~! That's far enough, Chrone! You can stop now..

Chrone: .....

Alrighty then, the two names you've come up with, is the exact names from BunnyKill and the last part is well...lets just leave that name alone

Chrone: *pout* Well? Are we gonna interview or what?

Already did by the help of reverse psychology. I'll give you 5 seconds to think about it

Chrone: What do you mean? Why Reverse Psycholo..oh..Oh!

Now you get it?

Chrone: Hmph..well played

[Door opens..]

Chrone: Ah Kaneki-kun~


Kaneki: sigh...Hi guys

Whats wrong Kaneki?

Kaneki: Im so very tired about acting along on the books today..plus I've been transported to alot of anime dimensions lately...acting as a support..acting like a clueless newbie..acting like a kid...this just makes things very tiring already...

Well..you are my favorite character and a part of the main characters in the stories after all~

Kaneki: Yes...but 7!? Really Shimi-chan..aint that quite alot?

(Just now..he just called me 'Shimi-chan'..)

Hmm..let me think..Nope! Because I want to know what might happen if two anime's are seen at the same time in one dimension or in a twisted way settings. Having this plot,
Would some of their fate change? Will they be great partners or a fearsome enemy? As an author, these are the thoughts that would make a simple book exciting, when two worlds collided. I just cant help but the feel to wonder why? Plus...

Kaneki: plus?

My brain was torturing me to do it. With such a great idea, popped up all of a sudden, I dont want to crowd my brain with a bunch of amazing ideas I've come up with..

Kaneki: I see..Im very sorry to ask you that..

No worries~ Its fine. Although, another idea has come up to me..and its a crossover between you and the characters from One Punch Man♡ (^ w ^)/

Kaneki: Wait-..WHAT!? Then that means..

Chrone: Oh~ I see what your getting at Kaneki-kun~ Please let me do the honors, 7 (publish books) plus 4 (on draft books) plus another one equals to..12~! You get to act along on 12 books Aw~ you've become popular~

Kaneki: That doesnt help Chrone..

Chrone: Oh shush Kaneki *snapped a finger*

Kaneki: *Turning back into his child self again* What?! Not again!

Chrone: *Having an aura to squeeze him to death* ( w )

Kaneki: (O _ O) Shi-Shimi-chan..help me!

Ah..um well..*breaking eye contact* Anyways, Merry Christmas everyone! (= w =)/ Hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter♡ Bye!

[Logging Out]

Kaneki: Wait! Dont just end the chapter already!!? HELP ME!!!

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