On January 24th 1994, my parents, Carly and Aaron had a beautiful baby boy, Logan Daniel James Whiteside in our home with 3 bedrooms in OhioAnd then my parents went insane and had my younger brothers, Luke and Liam.
It wasn't too bad when they had my sister Lily because she's not really annoying but it was bad when I had to share a room with both of my brothers.
But finally, my parents decided that our house was too small so we moved to Boston.
That happened when I was 8 and everything was fine.
Until I was 16 years old. I had found out I was gay and both of my brothers did as well. But my father was super homophobic. Me and Liam were too scared to say anything to our parents because of our father. We did eventually tell our mom and she was crazy supportive of us. But we would never tell our father. But Luke is very brave and I guess that's a good thing but when he told my dad he was gay our dad told him that he was stupid, worthless and he hit him and told him to kill himself. That went on for about 6 months until Luke actually tried to kill himself. Luke was already after being hurt so many times, by our father and himself but he did stop hurting himself last year.
Anyway, my father was arrested and we moved to like, the other side of Boston and we lived next door to this huge house. I had only ever seen the man and woman who lived there so I thought it was just them who lived there and I thought it was stupid that just two people lived in such a huge house.
But one day my brother Luke started bringing this kid over and he was really quiet and seemed shy. His name was Michael and I found out that he lived in the huge house.
I still didn't really like Michael or his parents and one day my brother Liam started hanging out with Michael's brother Noah. And I still thought that 4 people in such a huge house was stupid.
When my parents were taking my sister to Colorado for the weekend to see her friend, I had to go with my brothers to Michael and Noah's house.I didn't really want to, seeing as I hated the 4 people who lived there and thought our bigger family, of 6, would live there better.
But when we went there I found out that Michael had two younger brothers 4 older brothers and an older sister.
I thought it was okay for a family of 10 to live in a huge house.
And I had to go over again one day and I was fine with it because me and Michael's brother Connor were pretty good friends but when I went over there I met Michael's brother Jayden. And I love him
I love him v much and he's myboyfriend♥♥ jaydenb123♥♥