Whose Baby Are You?

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"Dino, nugu aegi?"

Dino glanced around the waiting room self-consciously and huffed, "Jeonghan hyung's..."

"You sound a little unhappy there, can you repeat that again? Whose baby are you?" Jeonghan teased.

"I'm Jeonghan hyung's baby..." Dino mumbled, trying to sound happier.

"Aigoo, that's my baby!" Jeonghan smiled, before bouncing off to disturb Joshua.

Dino watched him go, feeling perplexed. Jeonghan loved asking him whose baby he was but lately, it seemed that he kept asking that all the time. Dino had gotten used to it by now but it didn't mean he didn't get embarrassed.

"Oh! Dino, you okay? Your face is red!" Seungkwan exclaimed.

Dino nodded quickly, covering his cheeks with his hands.

"Aww, he's so cute! I wish our maknae was like that too!" Super Junior's Heechul had wandered over. "Our maknae is so uncute and is pretty much evil!" he complained.

The Seventeen members laughed politely at their sunbaenim's whines.

Just then, Heechul reached over and pinched Dino's cheeks. "Aww, he's so small! I wanna take him home!" The latter stiffened in shock.

S.Coups quickly stepped forward, seeing his youngest member's face. "Umm, he doesn't really like being pinched or called like that..."

"Well, which man would? But then again, you're still a boy!" Heechul teased. "Invite me over when you turn 21, okay? We'll go drinking together!" he promised.

Dino nodded slowly, still feeling unsure as Heechul had one arm around his shoulder.

Jeonghan frowned from where he was sitting with Joshua before walking over and pulling Dino towards his chest. "Mianhe, sunbaenim. But Dino's my baby. You're going to have to find your own."

Dino's jaw dropped as his cheeks flushed red. "Jeonghan hyung!"

Heechul blinked before throwing his head back and laughing. "Okay, okay. He's yours. Such a shame though, I'd totally steal him."

"No can do. He's my baby," Jeonghan claimed possessively. Dino buried his face in the older man's jacket, hiding in embarrassment.

"You mean, our baby. He's Seventeen's precious member," Wonwoo corrected, trying to smooth out the situation.

"I think everyone's just jealous because out of all the boy groups, we have the cutest maknae," Dokyeom quipped boldly.

"He can't beat me!" Jungkook called from across the room.

"Go away, Jungkook!" Seungkwan shouted back jokingly.

"I'm the best maknae!" V protested.

"You're not even the real maknae, I am!" Jungkook frowned.

Heechul looked around at the commotion. "Did I just cause a maknae battle?"

"When did BTS reach here?" Woozi asked, amused.

"Sorry, we just came in but you all looked like you were in deep discussion so we didn't get to greet you properly," Rapmon said apologetically.

"That's okay. But we may need to do something about that," S.Coups pointed.

There was a huge fuss in front of them as the Seventeen and BTS members held a friendly banter about who had the cutest maknae. Dino was moaning and trying to back away but Jeonghan seemed determined to fight for him and argued back passionately.

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