Late, Again.

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My first story, ever.

Comment and vote.... Please?

Tell me what you think, should I continue or not?


I glanced at the clock in horror. I had five minutes to get to school, again! I rushed outside, leaving my untouched breakfast and started running to school, my bag banging painfully against my side.

"Damn, I hope I'm not late," someone snickered.

I looked to my right and in the car that was slowing down was my idiotic bestfriend.

"Oh, shut up, Casey." I rolled my eyes and she opened the door.

"I'm saving your ass here," she grins and I climb in. As usual, Casey had her radio on classical.

"Colourful language." I muttered.

"I hate that you love this genre," I scoffed, after a while, changing the channel.

Suddenly she gasps and smacks my hand.

"What was that for?"

"That was my favourite song, dumbass."

I laughed. She could be be more gentle at times, but she just ignores me when I mention it. Unfortunately.

"Change it," she says, faking anger. I roll my eyes and change it, to my liking, "Classical! For goodness sake."

I loved Casey and all but she could be a pain in the ass sometimes. Sorry, pardon my language.

Suddenly, a giant, elegant building comes to view. Lakewater high school. Prison for the young minds of the earth.

As soon as the car stopped, I stumbled over to my friends. I was bombarded with 'Hey Chas' 's and 'Hi Chassy' 's.

An arm slung over my shoulders, 'Mornin' Chas.'

"And why am I not surprised? Hey jakey." Jake, my other bestfriend frowned at me and ran his hand through his hair so it stood up in short, messy spikes, he absolutely hated it when I called him Jakey, but I loved to tease him. A few girls checked him out while pasing by, but Jake was oblivious. Sure, he had that player look (blonde hair, blue eyes), was well built, handsome, fit and he was a jock (he was supposed to be smart), but he really was an idiot sometimes.

I rapped my knuckle on his head and he winced, removing his arm to rub his head, "Why did you-"

"-Is anyone home?" I interrupted and rolled my eyes. No. As usual

He started again, "What? Why'd you ask th-"

"What happened to the player I call Jake?' I looked at his smirk as another one of my friends, Matt hugged me.

I took out a piece of paper from my bag, "Heres the homework, Matt."

"Thanks Chaster." He smiles and walks away towards the math block.

I looked around and saw that Casey had caught up with me, 'What took you so long Case?'

"Hot guy," she grins. I rolled my eyes, she had the look and aura of a player too but in girl form.

"Hey Matt?" I shout to retreating back of my other, other bestfriend.

"Yeah?" He smirks.

"You owe me." This time I'm the one that smirked and his face fell.

"No, I thought-"

"You owe me."


"You owe me, Matt"

"Fine." he huffed and I smirked at him again.

Drriiing. The school alarm went off and I slouched off to my classes feeling victorious.


Im working on it, sorry if its bad, tell me what I can do to make it better :)

Really tiny chaper, im so really really sorry.


Sorry :( every story has one or two at the least.

Please vote :) please??? ill try to make it better

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