Still late.

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Laalalalalalala.... Don't underestimate me or over estimate. 

New chapter. New character? Or not. 

Remember, its my FIRST ever story, remember that. Comment and vote?

Chapter 2

"Hey, ready yet?!" Jake screamed like five year old getting a new toy. I groaned I wasn't ready for this, I just got up!

I chucked a pillow at him, "Go away!" He chuckled and pulled me up in a sitting position.

"Come on uppy, up, up." He grinned as I stared daggers at him, "Gee, you're not really a morning person are you?"

"Really? I didn't notice that, Jakey." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Anyway, you're late," He said as I got up, "Again," he muttered.

''Heard that, where's Case?" I asked as I took some clothes and walked to the bathroom slowly, waiting for his answer

''Eating your food," He shrugged. I shook my head as I locked the door, I don't think Casey's family feeds her so she raids my fridge instead. Jake never eats in the morning though, at least, I've never seen him eat at mine.

''Why don't you?" I shouted through the door, wondering if he could hear me.

''What?" Did he mean why don't I what or what I said?

"Why don't you?" I went with the safe option.

"I heard you the first time, I meant why don't I what?" He shouted at me.

I watched the droplets of the shower run down the see through entrance, "Why don't you eat here?" I barely whispered, testing him. 

Jake had this weird talent of hearing any whisper no matter how quiet, but he could rarely hear a shout over anything/anyone making some sort of noise.

"Well, I think you have enough to handle with Casey here every morning," then he added dryly, "and night."

I silently laughed, Casey and I shared a bad habit of being late and all but she's never ever late for food, honestly, she was as bad as the boys.

I turned off the shower, dried myself with my towel and got dressed in skinny jeans and my favourite cute t-shirt that said, 'I declare war' in six minutes. I walked outside to get to my makeup kit, I didn't use a lot of makeup but I always went for the smokey eyes look with the shirt, all in all, I took a mere ten minutes.

''Girls and their makeup," Jake grumbled, and I laugh and pulled on his arm.

''Let's go before Casey eats my whole damn kitchen!" I shrieked at him.

"Thats what I've been tryin-"

"Come on!" I dragged him down the stairs nearly falling myself.

"Casey!" I shouted towards the kitchen, "Stop eating my kitchen."

As soon as I reached the kitchen, Casey stopped, her hand full of cereal hovering between her mouth and the cereal box, her mouth was full too. She ate like a pig. 

"Woawwy, Tas," she mumbled, not bothering to swallow before she spoke. I picked up the closest thing I could touch, a pillow, to throw at her. Wait... a pillow?

"What's this?" I looked at the pillow and Casey, folding my arms across my chest. She shrugged and continues eating her weight and height twice in food. "Feed yourself," I muttered.

"I am," she protested and I chucked the pillow at her, hitting her square in the face.

"With your own food!" I screamed, stressing out the 'own' 

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