Chapter 14

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As I entered what I'd been told was the 'Throne Room', I wracked my head for any form of recognition or memory of this place I'd apparently spent my days growing up in.

And unfortunately, there was none, which saddened me beyond belief.

A loud gasp and a cry of 'Castiel! My dear child!' along with a grown woman wrapping me up in her arms jolted me from my reverie. I resisted the urge to jerk away in confusion.

A low chuckle came from the front of the room, followed closely by a series of heavy coughs. 'Let the poor boy breath, Victoria.' I was somehow unprepared for the sight of a cushioned sofa, with a man resting on it. Despite knowing the King, my father, was ill, I had not known it would cause him to look so haggard and pale.

'Of course, Archibald.' She pulled away from me. 'I'm sorry, child. I've missed you so very much. We all have.' She gestured to her husband, along with two boys, whom I'd just noticed, standing by the sides of the King.

Rowan, whom I'd somehow completely forgotten was in the room, suddenly stepped forward. 'Your Majesty, I'm afraid introductions will have to be made. Prince Castiel seems to be suffering from certain illness of the mind.' He spoke.

I was incredibly touched. Somehow, even after everything, Rowan was still trying to help and support me. He knew me better than I knew myself.

'Illness of the mind?' The Queen seemed baffled. 'Treasurer Fen, explain at once, whatever do you mean by that?'

Rowan glanced at me and I decided that it was time to intervene.

'This man saved my life, Your Majesty.' I began, making sure to speak as though I was completely clueless on everything. 'I was told that about two weeks prior, I was found collapsed upon the front of his property. Weak and starved, he nursed me back to health. If not for him, I would be dead.' There. I did not stray far from Rowan's original story on how I ended up with him. I looked over to him, and the subtle agony and longing in his eyes did not go unnoticed.

The Queen appeared deeply pained, and pulled me into another hug. 'I am your mother, Victoria.' She murmured in my ear. The warmth from her hug seemed to seep into me somehow and I relished in the moment that I had been waiting for all this while.

'Hello, Mother.' I smiled against her shoulder.

'Come.' She said, pulling back with a teary gleam in her eyes. Pulling me up to the sofa, she gestured to the boys. 'Calias, who is only 2 years your junior. And Cameron, our youngest.' I smiled at them.

To my surprise, Calias spoke, 'I've missed you, brother. We were close.'

'Hey!' Cameron protested. 'Castiel and I were close too!' To me he pouted, 'You did spend more time with Calias though.'

A deep chuckle pulled my attention back to the sofa.

'Castiel. You've finally returned home.' He spoke in warm, fatherly tones. 'I am King Archibald.' He stuck out his right hand for a handshake, which I immediately responded by placing my hand in his. What surprised me though, was the fact that he gave a gentle tug on my hand, causing me to lean forward and into his arms.

'Welcome back, son.' I felt him smile against my shoulder.

With a loud sniff, I promptly burst into tears in my father's loving embrace.

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