Chapter 1- Hi, Nice To Meet You

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Rachel's POV:

I was walking out of class, heading out for lunch when I heard my name being called.

I turned around to see it was my boyfriend, Justin. I walk up to him and smile as he embraces me in a hug. "Hey baby, how was class?" he asked as he took my hand and lead me into an empty classroom. "It was boring, as usual" I answered him as I sat on top of a desk and put my bag down on the ground.

Justin smiles once more as he wraps his arms around my waist and connects out lips. This is what he normally does. He would wait for me to finish class then take me to an empty classroom to make out, but the thing is I hated doing this. I'd tell him myself but the last time I did I ended up in a hospital.

I just close my eyes and kiss him back. It's best for him and it's best for my safety. Finally he pulls away as he plays with my long curly brown hair. "So, Max is having a party tonight. You'll be there right?" he asks as he plays with the buttons of my shirt, slowly undoing them one by one.

"Uhm, I've gotta study for an exam I'm having tomorrow" I said and pushed him off of me as I buttoned my shirt back. I grabbed my bag and was about to leave when Justin grabbed my wrist tightly and pined me to a wall. "You're coming" he said as his grip on my wrist tightened. If I didn't agree to him soon, I swear he'd cut off my blood circulation and I'd literally drop dead.

"Yes I am" I finally agreed as he finally let me go. He kissed me once more before leaving the room.

I slid down onto the ground and looked at my wrists. They were red, and would've almost turned red if Justin didn't let go. I started crying at the sight of my wrists. How did I let things get so messed up?

I didn't realize how long I'd been in here crying until I saw a pair of shoes standing in front of me. I looked up to see a young man, maybe around the age of 20 or 21 standing there with a worried look on his face.

I picked myself up and smiled as I looked into his blue eyes. "Are you okay?" he finally asks after breaking our little stare as he looked away. "Yeah, I'm fine" I said as I wiped the rest of my tears off my face with my sleeve. I totally forgot about my wrists for a moment and didn't realize they were showing until I heard him gasp.

"What happened?" he asked pointing at my wrists. "Nothing" I said quietly as I looked down at my shoes. "I've got class" I said and was about to walk out when he reached the door first and blocked my way.

"At least let me get you some ice for your wrists" he insisted. I thought about it and decided to let him help me since I realized he wouldn't leave until he did.

He lead me down the hall and into the nurses room. I looked around and saw no one here as he walked into another room and soon returned with two ice packs.

"Here" he said and smiled as he carefully placed them on my wrists. "Thanks" I said and smiled as I sat down on one of the beds. He sat next to me and I noticed he was a little nervous.

"I'm Rachel by the way" I said as he looked up at me once more and smiled. "I'm Brandon" he said as he extended his hand to shake mine. I carefully lifted my hand and shock his. "Nice to meet you, so what are you doing here?" I asked, trying to make a little conversation while we were both still here.

The truth is, I didn't have anymore classes today, I was all done. I just felt a little awkward with Brandon, but I'm finally at ease now. "My sister's a teacher here, I came to give her a little visit before I drove to practice" he answered.

"Oh, who's your teacher?" I asked as I tried to think of who's room we were in earlier. "Ms Saad" he answered and that's when it finally hit me. This man sitting beside me was Brandon Saad. The Chicago Blackhawks left winger, who wears number 20. Oh my god how could I have been so stupid?

"Oh my gosh" I said out loud, and as soon as I did I regretted it. I didn't want to come across as one of those fans who only like him for his looks, fame, or money. I just wanted to be known as a normal fan. "What?" Brandon asked as he let out a chuckle.

"I didn't recognize you just now, god I feel so stupid" I said and looked away as my cheeks turned pink. But soon I felt a pair of fingers touch my chin and turn my head back. "Hey it's okay" he said and smiled, and I just couldn't help but smile back.

We spent the past 20 minutes talking about his upcoming games, family and just anything that came to mind. I'd say we were having a pretty good time. "Well hey I gotta get going but let me get you some bandages and cream for your wrists" he said as he got up and walked over to the cupboards.

He returned with a roll of bandages and a bottle of cream. He carefully wrapped the bandages around my wrists and used a pin to keep it together. "When you get home, rinse your wrists and then apply this cream" he said as he handed me the small bottle. I nodded my head and smiled. "Thanks" I said as I put the bottle in my bag and got off the bag.

"Hey can I ask you something?" Brandon asked just as I was about to open the door and leave. "Yeah?" I said, leaning against the door.

"What happened to your wrists?" he asked me once more and I opened my mouth to answer him when the door opened. I jumped and turned around to see it was the nurse. "What are you two doing in here?" she asked as I walked outside and Brandon followed me.

"I was just looking for some bandages" I said and walked off.

I walked down a couple stairs and took a left as I stepped onto the elevator. I made sure I was moving quickly because I didn't want Brandon following me and asking me more questions.

The elevator doors were closing as I saw Brandon running towards me, they were about to close when he quickly squeezed in. I held my breathe for a moment because I thought he was going to get clipped by the doors.

"You're fast aren't you?" he joked as I just stared at him blankly. "What's wrong?" he asked as he took a step closer to me.

"I've gotta go" I said quickly as the elevator doors opened again and I rushed out.

Brandon's POV:

After Rachel left me there alone in the elevator I chased after her. I didn't know what came over me but I just had to find her.

I ran around looking in every classroom, and she was no where to be found. I began to get worried, I mean obviously someone was abusing her.

I walked into the last classroom of the hall. It was dark, and pretty much empty.

I walked around the classroom taking a look at everything. It looked like no one had been in here for years. I picked up a book and read the front page, "College Literature 9.2" it said in dark bold letters.

I put the book down and started walking around again when I heard the door slam shut. I immediately ran over to the door and tried opening it, but it wouldn't open.

I pulled out my phone but just my luck, there were no cellphone bars.

I started banging and kicking the doors, and screaming for help. No one heard me.

It's been 2 hours since I've been in here and I still haven't stopped calling for help. But then I looked at the doorknob and watched as it slowly turned as the door open.

I stood back to get a good look at who it was, and when I saw who was at the door my eyes lit up and a smile came across my face.

"Rachel" I whispered and as soon as my eyes met her beautiful green eyes I knew it was here. "What are you doing in here?" she asked, breaking me out of my trance.

"I was looking for you and well got trapped in here for a couple hours" I admitted as my cheeks turned red. She let out a giggle as she took a step into the classroom. "Don't go wandering around here, you never know you could've been stuck in here for days" she said as she smiled once more before she turned around and walked out.

I quickly followed her out and grabbed her hand gently. "Wait" I said as she stopped and turned her head and looked at me. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out for coffee?" I asked as I gave her a nervous smile and looked down at my shoes.

"I'd lo-" she started but a loud voice called her name and she instantly jumped and let go of my hand. "Sorry, I've got to go!" she said before she ran off, leaving me once more standing there alone. And what sucks the most was that she almost agreed to going out with me.

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