chapter 1/school

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Jenna:Hey Ari
Ariana/Ari:hey Jenna
Dakota:I'm here 2
Jenna:I know hey girly
Dakota:lol hey
Jenna:I can't believe we all got into this school
Dakota:I know it's been our dream since we were 8
Ari: ya I'm so happy especially that I'm with my best friends
Dakota and Jenna: awww us 2
Dakota:so what y'all classes
Ari:math,science,korean101,history,lunch,free period,art,and music
Jenna:,science,korean 101,free period,lunch,history,math,art,and music how about u Dakota
Dakota/D:science,history,free period,lunch,korean 101,math,art and music
Ari: cool I have 3 classes with Jenna and 3 with u Dakota
Jenna : ya and me and D have 6 classes together I think
D:Ya we should probably go to class
Ari:ya see u soon sit together at lunch
D:Ya totally
Ari: bye D and Jenna
Jenna:bye have good time at class

Jenna and Dakota walk to class together

Teacher:class welcome back to a new year of school I hope u all had a great summer break!!!!also i see we have new students 2 in that case so come on up ladies and introduce your selves
(Dakota went first)
Dakota:Anneyoung everyone I'm Dakota my friends call me D and I've been wanting to come here since I was 8
(i was of course next)
Jenna:Anneyoung everyone my name is Jenna and I have been wanting to go here since I was 8 as well thank u
Teacher: thank you have a seat
Dakota: well that was embarrassing
Jenna: yah think
Dakota: u did good though
Jenna : u 2 and thanks
Dakota: ya
Teacher: well, well, well look who's late again Mr. Jungkook take a seat
Jungkook:sorry ms.Kragro I was at the office
Teacher: I know u were helping set up cause ur class president do u have a pass
*Jungkook looks through his pockets and hands the teacher the pass*
Teacher:you are excused again Mr.Jeon
Junkook:Thank u
Teacher: go to ur seat

Jenna's head

Jungkook walked past he was looking at me and Dakota like he wanted to get to know us or like since we were new he was amused about that Dakota seems like she is blushing I think she likes him and she is staring gonna help her oh no he sits behind us

(Back to reality)

Jenna: *snaps Dakota out of staring at Jungkook*
Dakota:what sorry
Jenna: *laughs quietly*
Dakota:what *blushing bright red*
Jenna: oh nothing

*bell rings*
(time skip to Jenna and Dakota's free period)

Dakota:so one more period till lunch I'm starving
Jenna:Ya same
Dakota : what music u listening too
Jenna: oh um exo Lotto
Dakota:Oh cool
Jenna : ya so u like Jungkook
Dakota:what no I don't *now blushing*
Jenna:ya right I saw u blush and the way u looked at him
Dakota:fine I like him
Jenna : okay keep ur cool though and play hard to get or try but be his friend
Dakota: Okay thanks for helping and being understanding now to tell Ari
Jenna: Ya that's what besties are for and just be cool about it. Its not like they are in a kpop band or anything
Dakota: Ya ur right
Jenna: Also be cool Jungkook is walking this way
Dakota: WHAT!!!!
Jenna: play it cool
Jungkook: Your the new girls right?
Jenna: ya so aren't u in our 1st period
Jungkook: Yep so where u girls from
Dakota: Seoul
Jungkook: oh cool I love that place
Jenna: ya so u got in trouble today
Jungkook: Ya but I got out cause I'm class president
Dakota: cool *now starting to blush a lil*
Jenna: ya *elbowing Dakota and looking at her weirdly*
Jungkook: Ya *smiling brightly* so u wanna be friends and maybe hang out after school tomorrow
Jenna and Dakota: sure why not
Jungkook: Cool see ya later
Jenna: catch ya later
Dakota: bye
Jenna: * looking at Dakota weirdly*
Dakota: what i know I blushed
Jenna: ya but were friends with him
Jenna:LUNCH YASSSS!!!!!!!
Dakota: yay
( I'm the lunch room Ari was waiting )
Ari: over here!!!!
(Jenna and D walked over)
Jenna: how was ur classes
Ari: awesome how bout urs
Jenna: great we made another friend and we are hanging with him after school and Dakota likes him and I mean likes him
Ari: cool wait WHATT REEALLYY!!!!
Dakota: Yaaa is that ok
Ari: of course what's his name?
Jenna: Jungkook
Ari:wait the Jungkook class president
Dakota: yaa let's eat and talk more
(time skip to end of the day)
_the girls were walking to Jenna's house_
Ari: I'm so excited for tomorrow
Ari:cause I actually have a crush to now Dakota
Ari: his name is Kim Taehyung but he goes by V
Jenna: the one in our last period
Ari: Yea
Dakota: u 2 would make a cute couple
Jenna: yea
Ari: Thanks wait so me and Dakota have a new crush what about u Jenna do u
Jenna: No I don't think I do yet
Ari: oh okay we will wait but u have to tell us when u do
Jenna:fine I will
( at Jenna's house now)
Hey everyone I know that was long and I stopped at Jenna's house I thought u could use a break but next will be Jenna getting ready for school cause the girls went home cause it was late I hope I can finish another chapter soon Luvies thank u for reading the first chapter

With luv,

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