Chapter 1

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hey guys this is my second book. I had a dream last night and i thought it would make a pretty cool book so i decided to write it. here it is =]


Chapter One

I hate Tuesdays, and Tuesdays are not that fond of me either.

It has always been that way, ever since I was little. Usually Mondays are the worst days for people but for me it has always been Tuesdays. Do not get me wrong, I am not just a day hater; I have reasons for hating that day. Everything bad that has ever happened in my life has always happened on a Tuesday.

The first bad Tuesday, that I can remember anyways, occurred when I was two. It was my second birthday party, the neighbor kids and I were playing tag in the back yard, and I was it. Me being only two, and the other children being four and older, I could not catch them. I was it for a whole fifteen minutes and for a two year old it might as well have been a whole day. After that amount of time, I decided that I would just give up. I was never going to catch them. They were just too fast. My little legs could not run as fast as their bigger ones. So having given up on the game of tag, I went to go sit on my daddies lap.

I walked over to where he was sitting at the grownups table sort of hesitant to approach it being the big kids table and me being so little, but I approached it anyways. Once I reached the big kids table, I crawled onto my daddies lap. "What's up bud?" my dad asked me as me rubbed my head. I removed his hand from my head and looked up into his young face. He was only twenty-one at the time mom and he had me when they were young right out of high school.

I sniffed my nose and looked down from him face to view my ever so interesting lap. While playing with my little figures and trying hard to keep the tears at bay I muttered, "I'm not fast enough to catch the big kids." My dad let out a soft chuckle after hearing this. I snapped my head up at him he thought this was funny? This was not funny! My face contorted into an angry expression and I got off my dad's lap. With my hands balled up in fists, I turned around to him and shouted, "It's not funny!" However, that of course just made him laugh harder. At the time, I did not understand why my anger amused him so but now I understand what I must have looked like to him. I looked like all angry two year olds do; cute.

I huffed and walked away from him. If he was going to laugh at me on my birthday I was just going to have to make him regret laughing at me. Therefore, I did what any angry two year old would do; I ran away.

Having watched movies before when people had run away from home I knew that I had to pack a suitcase full of things. Knowing this I went into my bed room and pulled out my pink Mickey Mouse suitcase, I started stuffing in all the things I needed, my stuffed cat, my stuffed monkey and my blankly. I gave my room a once over and decided that I had everything I needed from it and went into the kitchen. I knew I was going to get hungry to so I packed some food for my run away. 

I walked over to the cabinet that held all the snacks; thankfully the handle was low so if I stood on my tippy toes I could just reach it. I pulled the door open and rummaged around to find what I was looking for.  Finally, when my little hands landed on the square box that had pictures of different colored fruit, I knew I had found what I was looking for; fruit snacks.

Now that I had some food I was ready to run away, I just did not know where to yet. I walked into the living room with my Mickey Mouse suitcase dragging behind me and looked out the window that overlooked the back yard. I scanned the yard trying to find the perfect run away location, after all, I was not allowed to cross the street or even be near it so the front yard was out of the question. There were the bushes in the back of the yard, that might make a good hiding spot but I do not know if I want to be there for the rest of my life. After all our dog, Skip, pees there. Eww. I wrinkled my nose at that idea and kept scanning the back yard. Then I saw it, the tree house. It was perfect. It had a roof and walls it even had a bucket and a rope that I could bring my suitcase up in, not to mention the mini couch my dad had gotten me for my birthday today. A huge grin crept its way onto my face I had found my new home, all I had to do now was wait until I could go up there without anyone seeing me.

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