Ragdoll Diggs

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== Ragdoll Diggs ==

  Hello friends, my name is Ragdoll Diggs. And this, well...this is my story. I am new to the creepypasta family, and I've come to realize, life just goes on, and there is life after death. now, lets begin my story at my seventh birthday party....

  I was turning seven, it was my party and all of my friends were having fun. there was a small group of boys around the serving table talking constantly and looking back at me. one of the boys walked over to me while his friends watched. " hey Raggity Ann...wow it must be hard to live without a father, and a mother who never cares...." he said as he and his friends laughed. I was filled with rage, I pounced on top of him, biting his neck. my mother ran to the boy's aid. she led me inside and down to the basement and sat me against the wall. she suddenly walked back up the stairs. all I heard was "the party is over everyone goes home now, Ragdoll is in big trouble." she said. they had an ambulance come to take the boy I had bitten to the hospital. but in the meantime, my mother sat in the basement with me and she talked to me about manners. " Ragdoll, you need to learn your manners if you wanted to be rewarded with such things...." she said as she lifted me up and chained me to the wall. me feet missed the ground by a foot and I couldn't feel my arms. I had to think of a way to escape these chains.

  it soon had been three weeks since I was chained up, my mother barley fed me at all, and my arms had lost blood flow along time ago, making them extremely fragile. my mother was coming down the stairs to feed me, she tried to force food into my mouth saying "come on Ragdoll, eat something for once...." she said as she smirked. that set me off, it was bad enough she almost never fed me, and now she says these awful things to me....w-with a smirk on her face! she has got to be kidding. I suddenly leaned forward and bit her arm as hard as I could, making her bleed. as I watched my mother fall into a pool of blood on the floor, I smiled as her blood rushed down my face. "you demon child...I-I'll fix this problem of yours once and for all!!" she said as she grabbed me around the mouth. she then walked back upstairs. while she was taking her sweet time upstairs, I had thought of something, I had just thought of a way to escape. " wait, my arms have lost a lot of blood and the blood flow is weak, if I pull hard enough...my arms will break!!! that's it, I don't mind them being broken but at least I could get out of here, and get revenge on my wretched mother." I thought as I began to thrust and pull. suddenly blood dripped to the floor as one of my arms had broken off. I felt nothing and I kept pulling until suddenly my other wrist came off. I fell to the ground bleeding. when my mother came back down the stairs, she ran towards me with a rope and tied me to a chair. she then pulled out a sewing kit from her pocket. " time to stop the biting Ragdoll..." she said as she smiled. I pulled away as much as I could but she then stuck her sewing needle straight into my lip. I stopped moving in shock as my mother sewed my mouth completely shut. "there, now you can never bite anyone ever again..." she said slamming the basement door behind her. I sat there in pain as the light above my head flickered. I was all alone...

  while my mother was upstairs, I looked around for my severed limbs. once I saw them, I picked them up and I sat on the chair. I had noticed that my mother had left her sewing kit down here. I grabbed the needle as best as I could and began to re-attach my wrist. my arms were bleeding aggressively, but I was now beginning to sew on my other arm. as I walked over to the door, a supply closet had caught my eye. so I walked over to check it out, but it was locked. I grabbed the clippers from the tool box and clipped the chain. as the chain fell to the ground, I slowly opened the door and when the door fully opened I saw I giant supply of weapons. I immediately layed my eyes on two scythes laying against the wall. I grabbed my fathers machines and I had a plan for a new weapon. I had always dreamed of having a double sided scythe as a child, that could detach itself from each end, so I was able to swing it around. and I had finally taken that chance. when I was finished, I stared at the amazingness of the weapon I had created. I was ready....

  I slowly grabbed my weapon and I walked slowly up the stairs. I opened the door, the door make a creeking noise so I froze. my mother looked back and saw nothing. she then turned back and went to sleep. I slowly walked to the couch and detached my weapon. I pulled her towards me and put my hand over her mouth. she looked at me with true fear in her eyes, I have never seen my mother so afraid of her own daughter in my life. it was hard for me to kill her....because she was all I had left. but I had the thoughts of all the things she had done to me, I began to cry. and as the red tears ran down my face and I suddenly sliced her neck and her chest open. I backed away as she locked her eyes on me and grasping her neck as she bled to death. she stopped moving soon, and I sat there on the floor as her blood dripped from the couch and surrounded me on the floor. I looked outside and saw that I would at least need a sweater to travel...I knew I couldn't stay. the police would come to find me soon. I grabbed my black sweatshirt and walked over to my mother and kissed her on the forehead. I was covered in her blood, I smiled and walked outside. my neighbors looked at ,me and ran inside to dial the police. I ran for the woods as fast as I could. I looked down on my street from the top of a hill. and I watched as everyone looked up at me. I smiled as the police held up their guns. I pulled out my father's pistil and took aim. they all scrambled for their cars and left, and my neighbors fled for their houses. as I laughed with blood dripping from my mouth, I thought to myself.." I was free..."

  I had now been walking through the forest for days and then I had seen two guys, one in a white hoodie...and one in a black hoodie. I approached them then suddenly, the one wearing the white hoodie tackled me. my hood fell off and I assumed they say my mouth and the fact that I was covered in blood. he got off of me and said " hey eyeless, take a look....it's another one of us..." he said as the guy he referred to as "eyeless" approached. they both held out their arms. I was confused but then I realized that they were going to escort me...but where?... " well...uh what's your name?.." the one in the white hoodie said. " I-it's Ragdoll, Ragdoll Diggs." I said as they walked with me. " well Ragdoll, my name is Jeff, Jeff the killer and that on the other side is Eyeless Jack. we will call you RD for short ok?..." he said as they bot let go of my arms. " wait til' you meet the other pastas..." Eyeless said. it was a very long and awkward walk but I suddenly saw a big mansion. they led me inside, and when I turned the corner all I saw was a room full of killers, they were all just chillin on the couches. Jeff and Eyeless sat down next to me on the couch. and after I was introduced to everyone, I felt comfy, I was finally in a place where people understood me....I had never had a home with a family that cares, and now, well now I do...I am home..

--~~~~Ragdoll Diggs

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2014 ⏰

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