A Sirens Call

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 (Loosely based off of multiple fandoms this includes; names, abilities, and looks. But mostly off of one story I love called scalier by schnano
Love the story, keep it up )

   A small child whose hair was golden and eyes a beautiful violet laid in a woven basket on the banks of a river, no one would hear her cries for help. The heart wrenching noise echoed through the forest, scarring small animals and making them run to their homes. She eventually starved and died of dehydration, her sun kissed skin, dried and cracked. That's how the story starts and ends, that's if the child wasn't our main character.

The small child's cries were heard by a passing woman, her large wolf  ears perked up at the noise. Her rose colored hair bounced as she ran towards the child, she wore a dress with a sweetheart neckline, exposing some of her chest. Placing her basket of berries on the floor she carefully moved the blanket that covered the small bundle, only to see a scarlet fish tail as the child's lower body. There was only one creature this child could be, a mermaid. “Hush child, I’m here to help you,” she cradled the child in her arms but despite this the child continued to cry. “Child why do you cry, you’ll become dehydrated,” acknowledging her idiocy she held the child over the water, only to have the child squirm out of her grasp. The groan of a woman and the splashing of water was heard, meanwhile the child swam happily in the clear river water. She stayed in the shallow parts near the shore, making sure not to go too close to the stronger currents. “A guppy, I can't leave you here alone then,” she started to look around to see if anything could help her. Spotting a shell on the river bank she scooped up some water and placed the child in the basket. Whenever the child would cry, the woman would pour a bit of the water onto the girl's neck. Shed calm down and giggle at how the water grazed her small neck.

    The trip wasn't long, only 15 minutes or less however, the shell was nearly out of water. Going inside her hut she placed the basket of berries on the table  and made her way to full her bath with water. Seeing the child asleep she placed the tub in the center of the small hut and placed the child in it. Placing a pot of water in the fireplace she dumped the berries in it, making a jam.

“Excuse me miss, but I need to go home.” the woman dropped her spoon and turned to the sound of the voice. The small guppy had her hands over the edge of the tub, holding herself up. “Excuse me, my parents need me,” the guppy swam around the tub and splashed the woman, taking her out of her shock.

“How can you speak, you are only a child,” The woman crawled over and sat in front of the tub.

“I guess I should explain, I am a siren, part of the royal court. We grow faster than normal mermaids since we have different qualities but we also shrink when we are out of water for too long. I was assigned to help them guard the empire. I may be small but I could sink a ship all on my own. Now please, help me get back to my empire.”

“You are hurt, you cannot leave like this,” she moved closer and touched a small cut on the guppys cheek and saw a few bruises on her torso.

“I am fine miss, it's only a small cut, I can still help my father,” she jumped out of the tub and began to crawl her way to the door.

“Fool, come here,” the healer grabbed the small guppy and stood up to get a small jar of cream. Setting her on the table she opened the car and gently rubbed the cream on the guppys cuts and bruises. Planting a kiss on the guppies forehead she smiled sweetly. The marks were gone, only leaving the child's clean skin. “Now what is your name child?”

“You tell me your name first,” the guppy said in defense.

“Flora, my name is Flora, now tell me yours,” she held the child i her hands and placed her back into the tub.

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