The One Where Regina Gets High

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I wrote a story where Emma gets shot with a tranquilizer and Regina has to care for her, and people seemed to really like it and someone actually suggested I write one with Regina off her face. I wanted to write one that was a bit different and isn't wrote about a lot in the fandom.

This won't be entirely accurate as I've only tried pot once (shh, don't tell) but I tried. And for the record, I was not high while writing this. I'm just trying to delve into the minds of our characters and writing their reactions as I see fit. Enjoy!

Emma hesitated as she pushed the coffin to get down to Regina's vault. This was the third time she was late to her magic lessons this week, and she was surely going to get lectured once again on top of extra lessons. Regina had a way of making Emma feel like she was a kid again, and not in the good way.

The woman was way too tense, and if it weren't for the tight skirts she wore almost every day, Emma would think she had a stick up her ass. But this time, Emma was prepared. Leroy owed her a favor, and it turns out he and the other dwarves had a secret small business to earn them some extra cash.

And by secret, meaning basically everyone except Regina knew about it. If the mayor were to find out about the leafy greens floating around town, there would be hell to pay. She would surely blame Emma, as the young woman was the town sheriff and pot was technically against the law.

But Emma didn't mind the usage of the drug. It was better than nicotine after all, and at least it wasn't harmful like the more powerful drugs out there. It kept everyone in good spirits, although Emma had to admit work around the town had been slower than usual.

Regina had noticed too, but the naïve woman thought everyone's reddened eyes and sluggish movements were because of allergies. "Poor Henry has had allergies for weeks, and the Benadryl I've given him hasn't helped," Regina told Emma one day.

Soon after that, Emma caught Henry and Violet sharing an edible cookie. Only then did she confiscate the pot and bitch Leroy out for his irresponsibility. If Regina found out about Henry trying pot Emma would be dead in an instant.

"You're late," Regina said as Emma descended the stairs. Even though her back was turned to the young woman, Emma could still tell she was pissed. "Yeah, sorry. I haven't been feeling well," Emma lied. "Sorry doesn't bring back the 20 minutes of my time that I could have spent doing something useful, Emma."

Emma rolled her eyes and took a seat. She took a nibble of her edible nerve calmer as she waited for the woman to finish her speech.

Regina turned towards her and set a large book down. Emma groaned inwardly. Regina hadn't even taught her anything useful yet, like turning the lights off and on with the flick of her wrist or a warming spell to defrost her car in seconds. She just forced her to read this stupid language that she hardly understood.

"Those allergies still hitting you?" Regina asked as she took a seat next to her. "Hmm?" Emma asked distractedly. "Oh, yeah. Springtime is a bitch," she answered.

"I've had a bit of a scratchy throat myself. I brought some tea for us," Regina said with a small smile as she handed the blonde a to-go cup. "Although I shouldn't be so gracious, as you obviously don't take my lessons seriously."

"No no, I do. Really. I just don't want to read all the time. Can't we do something fun? Like turn water into wine or make a talking snowman?"

"Even if that was possible, Miss Swan, you are nowhere near ready for hands on magic," Regina said. "I am totally ready! We defeated the Chernabog and that marshmallow monster," Emma argued. "Those were dire situations. To fully understand your craft, you need to start from the bottom and work your way up, not just rely on your instincts. Now, recite this." Regina pointed to the page.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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