Chapter 1

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''No!'' Argon said going up the stairs and into her room. She sat down on the floor blocking the door from opening. ''You can't make me go!'' she said again, louder this time to make herself heard over the closed door.

Her mother stopped making the sandwiches for the trip and glanced in the direction of the stairs before continuing.

''You don't have a choice, you are not staying here with your brother alone.'' She said, tired of the conversation they've had for the last hour.

''Really? I just turned seventeen for god's sake, I am old enough to take care of me and my little brother!''

"I am not little,'' Dylan, Argon's brother muttered under his breath but loud enough for his mother to hear. "and she's right, we can take care of ourselves, I'm only two years younger than her ".

"We don't care about you, we are terrified you are going to ruin the house... again." Their father said, joining in the conversation. He sat down on a chair next to the counter and tried to steal a sandwich but his wife shoved his hand away from the plate.

Argon opened her door slightly and peeked her head out. "Good to know you love us so much.''

"Stop being dramatic and get dressed. You are going to stay with the Newmans in the house next to ours while we are in Africa, you aren't going to war. I know it's a very long time but still."

''Fine.'' Argon and Dylan said at the same time sighing with the realization of defeat.


"We aren't forgetting anything, are we? Let's see...three suitcases, two backpacks, four bags, the sandwiches, your father..."

"Mum, calm down, you have everything," said Dylan, who couldn't wait for his parents to leave, "stop being so nervous about this trip."

After Mr. and Mrs. Adams had convinced their children to stay at the neighbourghs' house, they finished packing and now they are eventually saying goodbye. This whole time Argon has been unusually quiet. Her mother noticed this as well.

"Honey, what's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing, it's just..." Argon hestitated but still continued, "you are leaving us for the next months and we must live with some strangers... We don't even know them, mum."

"Oh, Argon. I know it's hard to understand but this is a very important business trip we can't miss and you don't have any relatives in this town. I told you that your father and I are very good friends with Mrs. Newman- Nicole. We've known her for a few months now, even though you still haven't met her." she paused for a second, giving her a reassuring smile. "I also know she has a girl the exact same age as you. You might even become good friends."

"Yeah, I know. But that doesn't change the fact that it will be so damn weird to live in a stranger's house." she said.

"You'll all become good friends, I'm sure. Now please go help your brother carry the luggage in the car. You wouldn't say he's a rugby player."

Argon laughed before doing what she was told to.

"Please.. help.. heavy.. argh-" Dylan struggled to hold three heavy suitcases in his arms. He didn't want to take one at a time because that would mean he has to walk more.

"Here, here, let me help you." said Argon before grabbing one suitcase from his arms. Dylan visibly relaxed, now holding only two.

"Thanks. Now, what did mum tell you?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing important. She said Nicole has a sixteen year old daughter, and that she thinks we will all become good friends."

"Dad told me we have to go at their house in the evening or something like that, but I don't want to, so you have to go."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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