Judging & Competing

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 The excluding round for all categories will be all about nominations. The three with the most nominations will approach to the finals. 

 The finals will also include nominations just like the excluding round. Basing on the nominations, BWA will decide the third-placed winners. 

 As for the first and second place, BWA will also decide the winners not only would we be basing on the nominations but also from our discussion about the pros and cons of the submitted stories. Therefore this meant if you have the most nominations from others, it doesn't mean you'll be getting first place.

 If a dilemma tend to last for a long time within the judging panel, BWA will immediately notify followers (anyone whom added the 'Updates & Notifcations' book to their library) about the postponed dates. If this does happen, there is a high possibility that we'll ask you guys to read the stories and choose one of them as your favorites with accurate reasons why it must be first-placed. 

ARMYs, please empathize us if anything wrong or difficult happens to get in our ways!

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