I sat by the river side of Sunstrider Isle, the sun low in the sky. My tears sparkled against my cheeks as I remembered my love Koltira. The summers we spent walking the rivers edge watching the willows waddle up and down the green path. That was all gone because of me! "Natori?" A voice asked from behind me, I turned my head my long red hair falling into my eyes. "Are you ready to leave?" Selvaris asked.

"Yes" I nodded and I took her hand as she helped me off the ground.

"Tori it's going to hurt, and it will take you a while to get over it, but that's what your family is here for" she reminded me rubbing my back softly as she knew another flood of tears were on its way. "Now what would Koltira say?" She asked only making my pain worse. I only shook my head I couldn't answer as tears cascaded down my cheeks. "He would wipe away your tears and would tell you to look forward and not look back" she reminded me.

I sniffed and only laughed slightly since that's what he would say. Our home was on the very edge of Sunstrider isle, we lived by the sea and the place did flood occasionally but we were used to it by now. I walked up the path but I stopped as I turned around as I heard the snort of a horse and not far away was an Archerus Death Charger, my eyes light up with hope. That could be my Koltira but I doubt he would remember me. "Come! There is nothing there" my sister told me as she dragged me inside, and just like that he disappeared. My mother Glysandra had laid the food on the table and my father Therodan was sat at the head of the table.

"Natori please tell me you're not still moping around about that Blood Elf, he got what he deserved!" He exclaimed.

"You're wrong!" I cried.

"Therodan just leave it alone can't you see she's heart broken as it is, she doesn't need you poking into her buisness" my mother defended me. "Tori darling" she said as she stroked my fringe from my eyes. "Go upstairs have a bath the hot waters already in the tub and have an early night I'll make you some supper and bring it up for you" she told me pushing me gently up the stairs. I slipped out of my robes, the painful scars on my body reminding me so much of my dear lost one.

The water was warm and caressed my skin gently, I slid my body the whole way in my head was nearly submerged. I would do anything to see my love again to break this agony I was feeling. The hot steam soon became too much and I decided to get out, I wrapped myself in a towel and then walked to my bedroom where I lay down and prepared myself for a restless night. Koltiras face swimming into view every time I closed my eyes.

I could still hear him whisper my name but also his hands as he dragged his fingernails through my hair. We both fought hard in the battle of Quel 'Thalas, we had a strong bond that could never be broken. "Natori!" I heard his voice whisper. I sat up in bed and wandered towards my window, I opened the shutters but to my disappointment he wasn't there it was just an empty front garden standing alone under the high moon. But the excited thudding of my heart in my chest hadn't ceased, the light of hope still burnt bright and warmed my being.

"He'll be there next time" I whispered to myself as I clambered back into bed.

"I'll be there next time" I  heard him say in my head.

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