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The crunching of the leaves could be heard all around me as I continued to walk down the path in the woods. My ever growing anger and frustration is becoming too much for even me to handle.

Who the fuck does coach think he is? He can't just kick me off the football team for having beef with me. I was simply just telling him how it is and he was too much of a pussy to handle it.

I'm the star quarterback and if not for me his precious team would fucking lose every single game. He needs me if he wants to continue winning and make it to the playoffs. Stupid bastard.

I can't believe he actually thought telling me, me of all people, what to do. If I want to go to parties, get smashed, and snort a line I will. No one tells me what to do, I do whatever the fuck I please. Fuck that squirely little bastard.

He got wind somehow, that over the weekend at a party I snorted a line of cocaine, one little line. It's not like I shot up something stronger, it was only coke. He confronted me on it and actually believed he could threaten me.
Now that's funny. No one will tell me what to do. He's far to weak to ever actually be able to do anything to me.

I'm from a wealthy family who makes nice donations to the university so coach better watch himself if he wants to keep his football team going. It would really be a shame if my parents stopped funding his football team, now wouldn't it?

I could easily with just one simple phone call get him fired and his precious team would have no money to afford anything they need. I don't need football, the football team however, does need me. I'm the star player, the most important one, and he should be begging me to continue playing for his team.

I shouldn't even be thinking of this. I know damn well I will be back on the team within a day. It's really only a matter of time before the coach comes crawling back to me, begging me to forgive him.

The wind begins to pick up and the leaves are blowing every which way. I look up at the sky and see it's darkening quite a bit as if a storm is about to hit. What the fuck? It was just sunny and warm less than five minutes ago.
I walk in a quicker pace along the path that leads to the university. I don't want to get stuck in a storm, but it would add to this ridiculously shitty day.


I turn quickly upon hearing my name but I don't see anyone. Am I hearing things? Is someone playing a prank on me right now? No way in hell will I be at the receiving end of a prank. I'm no bitch.
I turn around and continue walking, ignoring the man's voice saying my name. Shove it up your ass buddy, I'm not falling for your shitty prank.

"Sam are you really going to ignore me? I would suggest against such an action if you value your life". I hear the same man's voice say in a menacing tone.

I stop in my tracks ready to punch his teeth down his throat for thinking he could speak to me like that. Did he not know who I am? Who my family is?
I look around and I see no one yet again. My anger is beginning to boil inside of me.

"Where the fuck are you? Do you really think you can threaten me? I don't fucking think so if you value YOUR life I would suggest you walk away right now". I shouted in anger. I can feel my blood boiling at this pathetic son of a bitch.

"My my Sam. You're just full of anger aren't you? Believe me you can't kill me no matter how hard you try. I am not here to listen to babble about how important you are". The voice said this time in a bored tone.

A middle aged man with a receding hair line and glasses stands to my left now. He must have been standing behind a tree, like a little pussy ass whimp. He looks scrawny, weak, and to be honest quite ugly. He has a pointed nose, a lazy eye that looks the opposite way, and a face full of what appears to be acne scars. His face looks like it has seen better days.

His Sweet Obsession *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now