Chapter 4

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As my eyes flutter open all my senses become more clear, my body feels like it's being weighed down, and my head pounds in a regular pattern. I could only describe how i'm feeling as when you get the flu. How sick and fatigued you feel, that's how I'm feeling right now.

I feel around me, a very soft silk material underneath me. What is this? My mind still feels like it's in a haze, almost disorienting me. I squeeze my eyes tighter for a second, easing the pressure in my head for a brief second. I take this precious second to take my chance and open my eyes fully. My vision is blurry for a brief period, slowly adjusting to the faint light. I blink several times and finally my surrounds become more clear.

I turn my head to the right and to the left, feeling panic take over all of the sickness I was just feeling. I don't recognize this room. I have no ides where I even am. I know for a fact that I never have been here before. My stomach drops as I notice that the soft silk material I'm laying on, is a bed. The bed sheets are a black satin, a lamp on a nightstand to my left is radiating off the bed sheets, causing a strange glow.

I push my body to sit up, my eyes grow wider as I look around the bedroom I'm in. The room is huge, almost has a Victorian theme to it. Large picture frames of paintings on either wall, a fireplace to the right, the floor looks to be hardwood, and there are three doors. One of which I'm assuming is a bathroom, the other a closet, and the third one being the door that leads to the hallway.

My stomach feels more queazy than it had felt previously, the more I look around this unfamilar room the more sick I feel. Where am I? Who brought me here? I think rapidly, horrid thoughts rushing into my head.

The sound of footsteps to my left cause bile and fear to rise in my throat. My mind goes into complete overdrive as I panic. I look around the room to find a place to hide or to get away. The only window in this room is on the ceiling, it's a skylight window. There's no way I can reach it.

The footsteps become louder as the person draws closer to the room I'm in. I stand up quickly and run to one of the other two doors, taking a guess as to which one is the closet. Unfortunetly for me, the door I opened is the bathroom.

I don't even think twice as I walk into the bathroom. I shut the door as quietly as I can and run toward the bathtub. I know this isn't the greatest place to hide but desperate times cause desperate measures. My hand shakes in pure fear as I close the glass sliding door of the bathtub. My body trembles as I hear the sound of a door being opened. I lay on my right side in the large tub, hopefully it will conceal me enough that whoever it is won't see me.

I feel tears begin to form in my eyes. I raise my left hand to cover my mouth, drowning out my whimpers. Please don't let whoever that is walk in here. It's pretty obvious I was kidnapped, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Someone took me, and I have no idea who or how or even when.

I jump when the bathroom door opens ubruptly, slamming into the wall, and loud footsteps stalk closer to my hiding place. I can feel bile once again rise in my throat and I tighten my hand against my mouth to silence my cries. My body trembles even more and I begin to feel myself panicking. This person is standing in front of the glass doors of the bathtub and in terror I squeeze my eyes shut.

A loud growl like noise rings out, causing me to jump once again. It sounded like some kind of a monster, unhuman like.

I let out a blood curling scream as the glass door is grabbed right off the track and thrown across the room. The sound of glass shattering rings out immediately afterward and my cries become louder, more panicked. A strong pair of hands grab onto my arms and pull me upward. Tingles spread all over my arms and I know immediately who is touching me, it's Sam. Sam kidnapped me.

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