Chapter 2

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The next day Natalie walked to her bus stop. She saw Jack and went up to him. " 'sup!" Natalie said with a big grin plastered on her face.

    Jack turned his head to face Natalie and smiled. " 'sup! You tired?" Natalie's smile turned into a cocky one.

    "Tired? Ha, you've got that wrong! Anyways we should catch up to the bus." Natalie says. She and Jack ran up to the bus and went inside. They found a seat near the middle of the bus.

    After a little moment of silence, Natalie spoke up with a question in mind. "Jack, what's your favorite animal?" Jack changed his gaze from the window to Natalie.

    "Hm... I guess a rabbit." Jack replied looking back at the window. "Why?"

    "Huh? A rabbit?" An expression of bewilderment crossed her face, leaving Jack's question aside.

    Jack looked at Natalie again and eyeballed her weirdly. "Because rabbits are cute....?"

    "BECAUSE THEY'RE CUTE?!?! What kind of answer is that!?" Natalie yelled somewhat quiet. "Well instead of your adorable bunnies, my favorite animal is a tiger! They are fast, fierce and cool looking!" She made a tiger expression with her hands.

    "Hah. Tiger's may be fierce and cool looking, but rabbits are adorable and smart." Jack defended, folding his arms on his chest and tilted his head up to look down on his best friend. "What'cha going to say now huh?"

    "Okay, okay! You don't have to be that serious. Anyways Jack, let's go. We're going to be late for school." Natalie tapped  Jack on the shoulder. The two leave the bus and walk to school. When they arrived at school they walked in and headed towards their classroom. Jack and Natalie had almost reached their class they found a man surrounded by a bunch of girls, swooning over him.

    Jack stared at them oddly. Natalie turned her head, awkwardly, towards the classroom door. Jack and Natalie slowly walk into the classroom and sit in their seats. As they are taking out their books, someone comes in. The guy they saw earlier with the girls is in their class. Natalie whispered "Jack, isn't that the guy from earlier?"

    Jack stared a little closer, "Yeah, he's the guy who was with all those ladies." his eyes were wide open. The guy turned his head and stared and Natalie.

    He looked at her and smiled. "Why, aren't you a pretty lady?" He got out of his seat and walked towards Jack's and Natalie's desk. Well, mainly Natalie's. "What's your name?" He took a handful of Natalie's hair and examined it.

    Natalie awkwardly turned her head towards the guy. "Uh... My na-name is Natalie, uh what's your name?" She said awkwardly.

    Jack stood up from his seat and walked towards Natalie and smacked the guy's hand away from her hair. "Don't touch my girl!"

The guy stumbled backwards. "Woah, why you being so harsh? Natalie? That's a pretty name. My name is Kyle." Kyle slowly walked to his seat and sent a kiss to Natalie. Jack glared at Kyle.  

    Jack growled at Kyle then said to Natalie, "Sorry, was that weird? About what I said..." He looked at Natalie then smiled a little bit, awkwardly.

    Natalie smacked her hands on her cheek. "Uh... Yeah it was a bit weird." Her cheeks turned as red as a tomato.

    Jack flushed. "U-u-uh sorry... I won't do it again!" He walked back to his seat and covered his beet red face with his hands.

*Bell rings* Kyle walked up to Natalie, "Hey wanna eat lunch with me and my friends?"

Natalie took a couple steps back to increase the space between them. "Uh no thanks. I'm fine." She looked around for Jack so she could come up with an excuse. "I planned to... Eat lunch with my boyfriend!" She zoomed off to go find Jack.

Jack looked and Natalie, right next to him, huffing and puffing. "Are you okay?" Natalie nodded slowly. "Okay, wanna eat lunch with me?"

Natalie nodded. "Yes please." They walked towards the cafeteria and went in line to order. "What's for today's lunch?" She asked.

The lunch lady answered. "We have sloppy joe today." Natalie looked at Jack with the look that says, do you want it?

Jack looked at Natalie and nodded. "Sure." He walked up to counter and said, "We'll have two sloppy joes with two water bottles." He pulled out his wallet getting ready to pay.

The lunch lady gave them their trays and Jack exchanged it with money. " 'Kay Natalie let's go."  The two walked over to the table they always sit at. "Here you go." He handed a sloppy joe to the orange haired girl in front of him.

As Natalie grabs her tray, Kyle comes up to her and speaks up, "Hey beautiful~ Oh hey... Your Natalie's boyfriend, right?" Jack's head turns around to Natalie's directions in confusion.

He stares at Kyle in astonishment a with his mouth open ajar. "Wh... Y-yes, you got a problem with that?" He took a bite out of his sloppy joe and set it down. He finished chewing then says, "If you need something say it now or else we'll be confused for hours."

Kyle looks around then says, "Well I do have a problem." He stares at Jack, "And that is, I like Natalie." Natalie blushes as the girls heard loudly and clearly what Kyle said. All the girls glared at Natalie.

"W-what...?!?!?" Jack's eyes opened wide. "Y... You have to be kidding me..!" He sat in place with shock plastered on his face. "W-WAIT! YOU CAN'T TAKE NATALIE! I MEAN LIKE, SHE DOESN'T LIKE YOU!"

Natalie covers her bright red face with her hands. "Ugh... Why is this happening to me?" She mumbles, depressed.

Kyle trots over to Natalie and rests his hand on top of her head. "What's wrong? Your boyfriend making you mad?" He looks over at Jack and smirks.

She removes Kyle's hand and looks at him, "No... It's just, nevermind it's nothing." She says calmly.

Jack stuffs all of his food in his mouth and grabs his tray and water bottle. "I'm leaving. Sorry, gotta go take a breather." He stands up and walks towards the garbage can and trays; then he sets his tray down and walks out of the cafeteria.

Natalie grabs her tray and walks fast to put her tray down, then she chased Jack outside.

As Jack steps outside, he hears footsteps behind him. "Huh...?" He takes a glance over his shoulder and sees Natalie running towards him. "Oh shi-" He says before covering his mouth and running away from her. 'If she finds me, she's definitely going to question me about my actions! Especially when I said that annoying idiot couldn't go out with her... I need to hurry up and make an excuse.' Jack put his other hand on his heart and started thinking until he couldn't think anymore.

    "HAH!? Why's he running away!?" Natalie said as she kept running after him. She hid behind the exterior of the school and saw Jack look around cautiously then sitting down on a bench by the school building. 'Now's my chance!' Natalie grinned and silently tiptoed behind the flustered and worn out Jack. "Hey Jack? Uh, are you okay?"

    The black haired boy jumped and stood up from his spot. "W-W-WHO'S THERE!?!" He turned around and saw his best friend, Natalie, smiling slightly and waving. "Oh, h-hey Natalie." Jack replied.

"Hey, Jack." Natalie said. "Uh, you okay? You ran out here during lunch."


Jack froze for a second. "O-oh that? Uh, that Kyle guy is really annoying so I needed to get away from him for a little bit." He sighed and put his hands behind his head to seem cool. "Anyways! Why're you here?" Jack asked.

Natalie shifted her gaze and replied, "Uh, to see how you're doing."

Jack froze once again. "YES! I'm perfectly fine!" He faked a grin and pulled out his phone, hearing a noise from it.

"Who would be calling you at this time?" Natalie leaned over to Jack in confusion.

"Just someone." He said taking a peek at Natalie then putting his attention to the phone. "Yeah? You need something?"

When the call ended, Jack put his phone away. " 'kay! Let's get back to class Natalie."

"Okay!" Natalie smiled.

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