Dragon Children

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Chapter One

"My boy,we've arrived,"the king told his son as they stopped in front of a raging waterfall.The prince starred at his father with much confusion.

"Father,there must have been a mistake.Lord Beaumont's fortress is nowhere in sight."

The king smiled,yet his eyes were weary and solemn.He strode his black stallion closer to the falls,one hand holding the reins and the other carefully cradling a small bundle.

"Didn't I tell you that we're heading for Lord Beaumont's 'hidden' fortress."

Then the king and his horse disappeared behind the powerful torrents of water.

'A hidden fortress...of course!How could I be so stupid?The place must be behind the waterfall,'the prince thought to himself.

Hastily,he urged his horse after his father and into the waterfall's hidden tunnel.

Following the long,winding path they came across a tall gate made entirely of pure ivory.

The king took his sword and held it up in the air,waving it in a steady rhythm.

There came a rumbling sound and the gate opened on it's own.

The king moved on with the prince not far behind.The prince starred in awe.In front of them stood a fortress.No...it can't be a fortress.It was more like a mansion.A miniature version of his very own palace,amidst an entire forest of luscious trees.

He soon heard the clatter of moving feet and saw a servant girl running towards them,her skirt lost in a whirl of frills and lace.

She smiled as soon as she reached them before sinking on her knees to offer them a respectful bow.

"Lord Beaumont had been waiting for your arrival,your Majesties.Do leave your horses.The stable men will take them in."

The king shook his head."No need for that.We'll just leave them here" he said,dismounting from his horse slowly and pressing the bundle to his chest once more."After all we won't be long."

The girl nodded.After the prince dismounted from his horse,she led them into her Lord's domain.

After scaling a series of fleeting stairs,they reached the nobleman's study.The maid excused herself and clattered down the stairs a second time.

Following his father inside,the prince found himself starring at a man of nobility.Lord Beaumont was,indeed,an impressive spectacle.He was a tall gentleman with a handsome face and a well sculpted body.He also had the commanding pressence which the prince had only found in his father.

Lord Beaumont smiled and strode across the room and placed a kind hand on the king's shoulders.

"It's been long since we last saw each other,my dear friend."

The king returned his smile.

"Yes,I agree."

Lord Beaumont grinned when he noticed the prince.

"I see you've brought your son with you.He's a fine little shaver,isn't he?"

Turning he's full attention on the boy,he grinned some more.

"Mind telling me your name,your majesty?"

"Airon Shire,sir.Prince of Vi'vere."

Lord Beaumont gave him a nod before turning back to the king,his smiling face suddenly turned serious.

"So...the queen's delivery had been a fateful one."

"Yes and that's exactly the reason of my secret visit."

"Ahhh....and I assume what you have there is the infant princess"

As if on cue,the bundle which the king had been cradling shifted and let out a yawn.

"I reckon that was a yes."

Prince Airon Shire watched as his father began unwinding the cloth to reveal his dark haired sister.A lovely sight she was.

"Just as I had promised my wife before,I'd have to seperate our children to ensure the safety of each one.The 'Midnight Sun' will be coming after them,my friend.Airon Shire is already seven years old and I'm sure he would be more able defend himself.Airon Celestia is an entirely different matter.Can I trust you to care for her?"

Airon Shire pursed his lips.His father had told him earlier the reason for this seperation yet it's hard to imagine being seperated from your only sibling.

Lord Beaumont held out his hands and took the infant princess into his arms.

"I'd be honored,Khronios."

After placing a kiss on his daughter's forehead and bidding his friend a goodbye,the king started for the stairs.

As his father descended,Airon Shire reached in his pocket and fished out a necklace with a fleur-de-lis pendant.

"Milord,do give this to my sister in the near future."

"Of course,"replied Lord Beaumont."Yet.....you do know I can't tell her whom this necklace is really from,right?"

The prince nodded and smiled.He rushed after his father who was already mounted on his horse.As they rode away from the fortress,out of the ivory gate and towards Vi'vere,Airon Shire thought of his sister.

"Wait for me,Airon Celestia.We'll see each other soon...I promise."


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