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he strolled through the park on his skateboard taking in his surroundings. his brown curls whipped up into a quiff and his glistening emerald eyes sparkling as the sunlight hits them. the lit cigarette resting between his lips as he occasionally takes a long drag and opening his lips to let out a breath filled with the intoxicating fumes that once entered his lungs.

she sat on the park bench with her candyfloss hair blowing which ever way the cool breeze decided to head. her piercing blue eyes stared to the ground in deep thought. she didn't bother taking in her surroundings as she sits in the same place even though shes always in deep thought. the only thing that moves from her figure is her hand to her mouth to take a drag from her intoxicating object.

he notices her every time he comes, which is everyday. however, she never notices him and he wants that to change.

as he balanced out on his skateboard he quickly tilted back causing it to lift up as he caught it. meanwhile, she still didn't move for saying he was right in front of her.

"may i sit ?" he asked. her pupils shot up at the sudden mysterious voice. no words escaped her mouth just a simple shrug. he breathed out a little 'alright' before sitting down. they sat in silence which he rather they didn't, she on the other hand was still in her trance that he knew nothing about.

"mind if i smoke ?" he questioned. she simply shrugged once again him huffing and getting out his marlboro box and a simple black lighter. he slipped the cigarette between his lips and pulled the lighter and set it alight.

she found herself gorming towards the stranger. he was by far the most beautiful person she has ever seen but she wouldn't let him know that.

she found herself talking to him before she could stop herself. "c-can i-i have a drag ?" she stumbled on her words.

he turned his head abruptly towards and had a shocked expression written over his face. he seemed quite confused that she'd even spoke to him which in some way caused him to smile, showing his dimples caving into his cheeks. "sure." he replied handing it over.

she took it from him steadily whilst she held it in her desired position. she took a long deep drag whilst titling her head over the bench and releasing the toxic fume. it seemed to calm her. she handed it back to the stranger smiling with a curt nod. "thank you."

"no problem-" he paused holding out his hand. "i'm harry."

she examined his tattoo before smiling.

"i'm fearne." she said causing him to smile. he liked the name fearne, it suited her. "i like your tattoo by the way, harry." she additionally said, pointing to his hand that was still stretched out for her to shake, she friendly shook it as he chuckled.

"i like yours too." he said pointing to hers that was on her wrist, shaped into a heart. she shrugged in return not knowing what to say.

he stood up directly in front of her as she examined his brown boots, to his skinny jeans, his white top and his black coat with his hand shoved into his pocket.

"fancy a coffee, fearne ?" he asked friendly.

"hm, i don't see why not, harry." she chuckled at how she'd mocked him on each others names.

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