The Z team

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Y/N =your name
Y/N/N = your nick name
F/C = favourite colour
H/C =hair colour
S/N = sniper name
E/C = eye colour
S/C=skin colour
H/L= hair length

Let's get started this chapter is based if Sippy Cup by Melanie Martinez...

Blood still stained when the sheets are washed....

Y/N walked down the dirty road body's and broke down cars all around her her S/N in her S/C hands her F/C sweater (yes the outfit above is what your wearing and yea the sweater is black but you can chose the colour) covered in dry blood. Her H/L, H/C sticking to her S/C cheeks. Y/N wasn't always alone she had a group that all well....turned into mindless flesh eating zombies.

As Y/N was walking she swear she heard the blood curdling growl of the monster that now roam the earth with zero care. She looked around her, her E/C eyes squinted looking carefully but instead of a Z she saw a black truck come driving towards her. The truck stopped beside her.
"Hey kid need a ride"
A old looking dude said to Y/N. The old man had wrinkly skin and a curl white beard that strangely remedied her of....Santa Claus.
"Ummm yeah I'm Y/N but people call me Y/N/N"
Y/N said leaning her S/N other her shoulder.
"Nice to meet you Y/N/N I'm Doc"
He said waving.
"The African American women is Warren"
Warren waved saying hi to Y/N.
"The smurf over there is Murphy"
Doc said pointing to a z looking guy.
"Are we going to pick up every survivor we come across"
Murphy said looking annoyed.
"Don't listen to him I'm 10,000 but 10k works"
The raven haired scruffy haired boy said putting a hand out to Y/N.
"I figured that out already"
Y/N said taking 10k's hand. 10k pulled her up...

Sex don't sleep when the lights are off......

For a second Y/N stared into 10k's greeny blue eyes she found them enchanting and strange.
"I'm Abby"
A red haired girl said bringing Y/N out of her fantasy.
"Nice to meet you"
Y/N said.
"And that's Mack"
Abby pointed at a drown haired boy that was smiling like a child in a candy shop.
"And the black haired girl is Cassandra
Abby said pointing to a black haired girl with a...finger in her hair.
"Um Cassandra you have a finger in your hair"
Y/N said taking the finger out and Cassandra flinching and cringing at the sight.

Kids are still depressed when you dress them up and syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup......

(Hoped you like the first chapter ^^ leave a comment and vote please)

My Little Sniper (10k x reader)Where stories live. Discover now